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The garden to the mansion was massive and befitting to the house itself. Lands stretched far and wide upon many green acres, and the wide space made you feel rather small in the world... like an insignificant bug. Not that this was a new feeling; you had been feeling this way since the first day you joined this new world. You had felt it in your house, school, among acquaintances -- everywhere. Overtime, it never faded, but perhaps you were already getting used to it. For it was barely a spare thought on your mind anymore.

Flowers flourished in every color, tended perfectly to and ridden of any weeds that may tarnish its beauty. No mistake came across them. No tear, no disturbed dirt, no wind affected them. In a way, it seemed almost artificial. A battle between humans and nature should only lead to ruin. For humans always won.

You nocked the arrow into the bow and pulled your arm back. After getting some training done by Ginjirou, you could finally use it. Unfortunately, success didn't follow as greatly afterwards. Archery required good aim, but that was easier said than done. Each time, you expected to aim straight for the middle, but it would either fall short or sway away from the actual target. One wrong mistake and it would fall apart. You wondered how Namiko did it. To experience it yourself made you admire him even more.

And while you watched Ginjirou demonstrate his own archery skills, you realized that Eito was correct. Ginjirou was perfect at archery -- in general, he was just very talented at every course at school, minus Education. The way he pulled at the strings to his stance to how his arms did not shake at all from the weight, it was done flawlessly. However, despite being so good at it, his style differed a lot from Namiko, which intrigued you. The red head was more rough at the edges, relying on his muscles to propel him forward. Meanwhile, the quieter elite was elegant in his moves, analyzing the situation before doing any necessary moves.

"Do you understand?" Ginjirou asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. You blinked for a few seconds, before hastily nodding.

"Easy enough," you lied, straightening your arm for a minute straight. Then you released your fingers, feeling the swoosh of the arrow soaring through the air. Much to your disappointment, it did not land on the bullseye; it was far from it actually. It didn't even touch the target.

He raised a brow, an amused smile adorning his lips. You knew his exact thoughts. Feeling your cheeks burning, you huffed and hurried to grab another arrow. You would show him. Next time, he would never get another chance to wear a smug look on his face.

The arrow was let go once more and... spoiler alert: It was an utter fail.

Growling under your breath, you dropped your bow and stomped through the fields. Arms crossed upon your chest, you took a few deep breaths. Your tutor from behind went over to the dropped item on the ground. "Hey... I know you're frustrated, but don't take it out on the bow." He didn't look angry... he actually seemed close to bursting out laughing. It may be funny to him, but this was an absolute nightmare. Your stress was growing by the day and he wasn't helping it at all. To be fair, he didn't know about your situation... but still.

Two and a half weeks left to determine whether an unknown hell would unleash on you. If only the skills of the original [Y/N] of this world transferred over to you. Dammit. This was awful -- more awful than the consecutive final exams you had to take at the end of the year last year.

"It's just unfair," you sighed.

"We all start somewhere," he pointed out. "I didn't magically become good one day. It takes lots of practice, but you will get there someday if you don't give up. So don't give up just yet. It will pay off in the end. I promise."

"Aren't you a cheesy bastard," you teased, already beginning to feel calm due to his words. You didn't want to admit it, but he had a good point there. Whining would get you nowhere.

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