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The keyboard of the computer rattled and its mouse clicked excessively, as if the user was desperate. And well, you were quite the desperate. After everything that happened yesterday -- from daddy issues to creepy stalker -- you couldn't get any sleep in at all last night. It made school hell -- actual hell. It took every willpower not to drop dead in the middle of a match or mile. It got bad to the point where you left your defense open so often, you were punched and kicked left and right. Your bruises and sore limbs wouldn't stop bothering you.

In the library once again, you were sitting in front of a computer. Eyes locked tight on the screen, it showed a news coverage site, containing information of recent problems. You were trying to find any stories that were similar to your situation. Like maybe abduction? A chill ran down your back at the thought of it. No matter what, you could not allow for that to happen.

And yes, did you know that doing such research in a public space like the school library was a terrible idea? Of course. But it was the only option you had; there was no doubt that the stalker could easily follow your movements at home.

Sighing to yourself, you exited out of the browser and returned to the blue main screen. Frowning in disappointment, you slumped down in your seat. This was no use. Nothing out of the ordinary happened around these parts of town. It was known to have safe neighborhoods and little to no crime, for mainly the rich resided here. So your situation was already a little strange.

"What are you doing?"

Jumping a little in your seat, you quickly whirled around to meet face to face with Namiko. In his hands were a stack of books about archery again, his tall figure looming over your seated self. How long had he been standing there for? Did he get a glimpse of what you looked up? He had somehow snuck up on you so quietly that you didn't even notice his presence until he spoke. It sort of unnerved you.

"I'm just researching a bit," you explained, letting out a nervous laugh. "You?"

He nudged his head towards his books and slid into the chair next to you. "Studying." Cracking a book open, he immediately delved into the text, his focus unwavering.

"You must like archery a lot, huh," you said, deciding to make an attempt at conversation. There was even less point in trying to do research now with him here. It was best if you didn't involve anyone into this mess, so you would have to solve it alone. Whether this was going to be a mistake on your part or not would be decided in the future.

Lifting his head up, his blue hues met yours. He slowly nodded, his expression unchanging. "I do, for the most part."

"Only for the most part?" you echoed, knitting your brows together.

"Because of obligation. I would like to go back to the days when it wasn't a race. When I didn't have to go through challenges consistently just to keep my place at this school."

You understood it now. His eyes had grown dark when the teacher called him elite that one time. He was tired of that name, wasn't he? Suddenly, you felt bad to judge elites so quick. Having a title to their name didn't necessarily mean they would have perfect lives. They were human as much everyone else. Namiko was human. So was Kouki... and Ginjirou. Most importantly, so was Sakiko, whom you brushed her problems away like fleas just because she was an elite. Should you go apologize to her? And confront her on what happened that day? You might as well; the two of you were going to practice for the talent show in a few minutes here.

Scratching your head, you pursed your lips and turned towards Namiko once more. "I'm not sure if it's my place to say this, but drop the motherfucking elite title if you need to. A rank four would allow you to graduate, right? It would take stress off and you could focus on enjoying archery, instead of appeasing to it."

Obstinate ElitistsWhere stories live. Discover now