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As the week rolled by, the feelings of being watched faded into the background of everyday life. The stalker was no longer there after that day, and you hoped they never return. Maybe that was optimist thinking on your part, but perhaps after spying on you, they had gotten bored. After all, in the eyes of everyone else, you were just a normal schoolgirl. You did write in that magical notebook, but it could be seen as a diary instead.

Because it was Saturday, you were currently standing in front of a huge mansion. The place was massive -- bigger than your house -- and towered over like a giant. Pillars decorated the front, the beige paint that lapped up the building flawless and unchipped. It was a few stories high and expanded more-so horizontally, with many glassy windows adorned. The landscape was just as breathtaking, for the property held fresh, green lawns that stretched far. At the bottom of your soles were rich pavement, detailed of maroon tiles on either end.

The sun was barely peeking from the horizon, since it was still early morning.

Letting out a staggering yawn with sleepy tears prickling your eyes, you climbed up the long driveway and stepped up to the front door. Your finger pressed on the doorbell and then you waited for someone to open the door. Grip tightening around the large bag containing your materials, you could feel your heartbeat racing inside.

It took a bit longer than you expected. Five minutes had passed of you awkwardly standing there, but when the door cracked open, you understood. Rubbing his eyes in exhaustion was Ginjirou, who seemed to have just woken up. "[Y/N]? What are you doing here so early?" he asked, his voice raspy.

Instead of responding, your gaze dropped down to his torso. What. The. Fuck. He was shirtless and naked, his entire upper half out there for the world to see. His arms and abdomen full of muscles and sculpted by the gods, they appeared even better in person than on his media. They almost seemed to be... glistening in the sun with all its glory. His skin looked soft as a baby's and was quite tan too. Even his nipples looked good.

Horrified by your thoughts, you jerked your head away with heat pouring into your cheeks. What were you thinking?

His arms lifted up to comb his fingers through his hair. Instead of being gelled back as it often had been, it was left down and messy. You actually liked it a lot more with it down. "Enjoying the view?" he asked cheekily, his gaze following to where your eyes had locked in before. No! He caught you staring! "I mean, considering you hearted my shirtless post, you must've had a lot of time to stare at it already."

"S-Shut up!" you barked out, hugging the bag to protect yourself from this demon spawn. He wouldn't be letting this go anytime soon. What a terrible guy.

Stretching in place, he started to flex his muscles. He reached above and twisted his body up, down, left, right, with the biggest smirk on his face. "Oh, I get it. You want to see it for yourself in person, because the pictures don't do 'em justice. Would you like to touch them too? They're real, I promise."

"What!" you bellowed, dropping your jaw to the floor. The audacity he had. You wished to kill him right then and there and bury him yourself so you could spit on his face. Before you could release a swarm of profanities, he beat you to it.

"Calm down, [Y/N]," he said, laughing. Your chest was heaving up and down rather hard and you hadn't realized. "I'm just pulling at your strings. Anyway, what are you doing here so early? I thought I told you to come at noon."

That was true. He did tell you to come by at noon. However, after the news about your father coming home, you figured the session should be longer than it was scheduled. You needed all the practice you could get, to face this man you already despised. You were planning to tell Ginjirou about it, but with the stalker situation, it all but slipped from your mind. Oops. You came to his house unannounced, didn't you? Also, you couldn't tell him your real reason for coming here.

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