The Pestering

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Arohi's POV:

I still can't believe that Arjun is a Rockstar. That's the reason he looks so familiar. No doubt he owns the car that's parked in the garage. Did he perform in any of the concerts last night? Can my owner be anymore perfect?

This is your only chance Arohi. Pester him to teach you the music. If he will be your teacher, no doubt that you would become a sensation soon. My notorious brain suggested.

Not bad! my brain too has a brain! I know it's lame.

My whole night went twisting and tossing thinking about him and his fame.

I would go to him tomorrow and sweetly request him to guide me well. Who knows, if he wills to take me into his music team.

I know I can't reach his status but I can still make friends with him. I went and knocked the door at 6:00AM.

Isn't it too early to ask a favour from a person? My brain chided.

Who cares?

The door opened with a click and there he is. So handsome with messy hair and wrinkled clothes, eyes still half closed. Can my day be anymore perfect?

" What?" He asked in his morning voice. Damn! It's so sexy.

" I need a help from you Arjun. If you don't mind." I quickly added at last.

His face looked irritated for breaking his sleep. He opened the door wide asking me to get in. I quickly jumped in and sat on the sofa while he sat opposite to me.

" What help?" He asked yawning.

" I want you to teach me music. No one is ready to train me." I said adding a little sad tone to my voice.

" Are you freaking crazy woman? Who the heck asks this at this time? You could have come here after I woke up." Damn! He is looking pissed now.

What shall I do?

" I'm really sorry Arjun. But I was not able to control myself." I said sadly.

" My answer is no." He said griffly.

" Please Arjun. I really want to better myself. Please.... Please...." I pleaded and held his hands. He looked at his hands and took his hands back. I mumbled a little sorry and sat back where I was.

" What instruments can you play well?" He asked rubbing his arms. It's too cold outside. I feel sorry for disturbing him.

" I can play Casio, keyboard and guitar really well. I know the basics of how to play violin. I can sing too." I said excited. God! Please make sure that he accepts me as his student.

" A big no. And I don't teach the music to others. Fucking go and sleep now and let me sleep too." He said and held my shoulder pushing me out.

" Arey, Arjun..... Arjun Dalvi, it's not the way to pay a send off to your guest." I said and he closed the door on my face with a bang.

Bastard..... I went to my room and brushed my teeth. I did my morning chores and looked presentable. I made my look really subtle with just a t shirt and Palazzo.

I looked at the time it's still 8'o clock. I lightly dried my hair using the towel leaving it to dry naturally.

I made my breakfast and quickly had it. I went to the kitchen to wash my plate and the vessels but a call disturbed me.

" Hello!" I said without looking at the caller ID.

" Arjun here. Make the breakfast for me. I'm coming down." He just said what he want to and ended the call.

Senseless creature! Can't he just accept me as his student? And why should I make him the breakfast? Don't he have hands or enough groceries to make one?

I'm determined that I won't be making him any breakfast. Let him die hungry.

There was a knock on my door and I know it's that Satan.

I opened the door and raised my eyebrow. He gave a look to me and sat on the very small dining table which is only for two.

" What? I didn't make anything for you." I said angrily. How dare he enter my house without my permission?

" Then make it now." He said sitting leisurely and checking his mobile.

" No. A big no. I'm not making you any. Just leave my house." I said and stood infront of him folding my arms against my chest. He have the audacity to raise his eyebrow looking at me.

" Please honour me by repeating the last sentence mam! Your house? Seriously?" He asked faking a chuckle.

" I'm paying the rent. So obviously it's mine." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

" What ever. I'm hungry woman. I need to take my medicines as well." He screamed angrily and rubbed his face.

What happened to him to take the medicines?

" Are you alright Arjun? What happened to you?" I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.

" That's none of your business." He said coldly sliding my hand off his shoulder gently.

He is a total jerk. I'll just feed him and kick out of my house.

I walked to the kitchen counter and sadly looked at the mashroom pasta which I've saved for my lunch.

If he keeps eating the breakfast like this everyday from my house, I'm sure, I'd be broke in a month. Devil! Just came to increase my expenses.

I reheated the pasta and put that in the plate. I put the plate infront of him and handed him the fork.

" Ketchup!" He asked and that really riled me up. Does he think me of his servant or some bearer that I'll serve him everything he asks for?

" I don't have ketchup in my home. You get it Arjun Dalvi?" I said pissed and went to sit on my little sofa.

I looked at him and he is really eating hurriedly. If he'll eat like this at this rate, I'm sure he'll make me penniless in few days.

I guess I've been scolding him a lot lately. He is coughing really bad. I felt pity on him and passed him a water bottle.

I went back and sat on the sofa. I saw him once and if I didn't mistake, he had a small smile on his lips.

Did he really smile?

I guess feeding him is not that bad. He might consider me as his student if I pester him a bit more.

He went to the washbasin and dumped the plate in it. Don't he have atleast some courtesy to wash it?

He came to me and mumbled a small thank you.

" Arjun?" I called and he turned back.

" Can you please consider me as your student?" I asked pouting a little.

" NO." He said immediately.

Stop it Arohi. Don't degrade yourself more infront of him.

I closed the door as soon as he left. I slumped in the sofa with a great disappointment.

Tears of frustration emitted from my eyes. Can't he just give me one chance? Just one?

I'd prove myself to him. All this situation is making me so exasperated.

I angrily went towards the small music space I have and took out the four ruled book.

I scribbled some notes in it and looked at it for a second. My hands are shivering.

I'm really useless.

I again ducked the book inside my drawer and closed it with a bang.

I really don't know when the sleep took over me but slept on the sofa itself.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 1263.

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