The Rejection

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Arohi's POV:

I don't know loving someone hurts you like a bitch. There is no guarantee that it will be reciprocated until that's a yes.

Try again Arohi. There might be a little possibility that he agrees.

I'll give him a little time and try again. Where should I sit alone after trying once?

I cooked myself some steamed rice and ate that with Chicken Pickle. I missed Mumma and Papa. I should visit them. I immediately booked a train ticket to Delhi. It is scheduled for tomorrow and I went towards my wardrobe to pack the clothes for 3 days.

I took the tuition for the next 2 hours and lay on the bed surfing through Netflix. I don't think I should go to Arjun's home by proposing yesterday only. He would think of me as some shameless slut who always runs behind men. I sniffed and wiped my moist eyes. That ass wipe. I'll take my revenge one day.

I gritted my teeth and went to the music studio. I started playing my Casio until my hands and head ached. A soft sob left my mouth as I thought about yesterday. He has no right to degrade my feelings. I wish I could reject him the same way. I hope his asshole is stuffed with hay and he doesn't get to poop. I laughed at my stupidity. This laugh is a natural one.

By the way, how hot can his ass be? Is it going to be smooth or rough. Does it juggle if I slap it? I laughed again and finally had an early sleep after dinner. I have a train to catch tomorrow.

I woke up early and took a bath. I had my breakfast quickly and washed all the utensils. I closed all the curtains properly and locked the windows. I sprayed some room spray and locked the door. I clutched the keys tightly in my hand and I sighed. I wish to see some worry in your eyes Arjun. Your Arohi is not someone shameless. I love you.

I took the train from Mumbai Central and sat on it. I want to reach there as soon as possible. I put my mobile on flight mode and started playing the offline songs. 3 hours easily passed and I'm bored. I opened Netflix and chose to watch the series. I've downloaded 8 movies and 2 sets of series, after all, it's Arjun's internet I use. I must make good use of his payment.

I watched 5 episodes continuously and my eyes started to burn. I dozed off quickly and I didn't even realise when the alarm rang. It's 9 at night and I woke up. 3 more hours to reach. I placed a box of fried rice, and he returned to me in 10 minutes.

Call me at least once Arjun. It's been more than 12 hours since I left the house and you still didn't notice.

I watched a Malayalam movie for 2 hours and assembled my luggage. Mine is the next station and I got down after half an hour. From there I booked a cab and I know Delhi is not the safest place at this time. I sighed and started waiting for the cab. My whole insides are shivering in fear. Did I do a mistake by choosing the wrong train? I should have booked a later one.

My cab came after waiting for 5 minutes and I got into it before I see some hooligan.

" Bhaiyya, Uttam Nagar chaliye. " I said.

" Rs. 650 madam." He said and I looked at him shocked. That's too much.

" Kuch jyada nahi hua bhaiyya?" I asked him.

" Raat tho bahot ho gayi madam. Ab cabs milna mushkil hai. Main tho ghar ja raha hoon, tho aap ki ride mili. " He spoke and I looked at him. His face looked tired as if he is working for a long. It's ok Arohi, he too should get some money.

" It's ok bahiyya. Chaliye." I said and he started the car.

After a 45 minutes ride, he stopped in front of my house and I made an online transaction to his number. I knocked on the door and none opened. I knocked again and I heard my mother's voice.

" Kaun?" She asked drowsily.

" Main." I replied goofily. She immediately opened the door and engulfed me in a hug.

" Arohi, you came now?" She questioned and I nodded.

" I missed you people and I took the morning train. I can't wait to see you guys." I said and by then, my Papa too came rubbing his eyes. He hugged me and took my luggage in. My mother cooked some poha for me and later we slept.

I woke up at 8:30 in the morning and I can hear the utensils clattering. My mother is cooking while my father is having his breakfast. She packed his lunch and I made a grand entry into the kitchen.

" Maharani should have slept a little more." She jested and I scoffed at her choice of words.

" Then this sevika must have come and woken her up." I countered her. I brushed my teeth and sat at the dining table. She served me hot-hot chole and bature and I gobbled them. I went to my room and turned off the flight mode. There are 18 missed calls from Arjun. I smirked at his reaction and left the phone on the bed. I went to my neighbour's house and greeted them. I've missed their dog.

By the time I came back, my mobile is vibrating with Arjun's name on the screen.

I picked it up and even before I greet him, he started yelling at me.

" Where the heck are you Arohi?"
He screamed and I tried to control my chuckle.

" Are you scared of losing me Arjun?" I asked and I know he must be fuming on the other side.

" No." He said coldly.

" Then why are there 21 missed calls from you?" I asked trying to be serious this time. He was silent for a while.

" Because, I thought you might ditch the house rent and tuition fee." He mumbled and I felt like pulling my hair.

" I'll freaking pay you right now Arjun. Just wait!" I screamed and made the online transaction.

" Could you see four big zeros after 2?" I yelled and he hummed.

" All you say is hmmm? Hmmmm? You idiot? I'll come and tell you what messing with Arohi is like." I said and cut the call.

I wiped my moist eyes and threw the mobile against the pillow.

Ass wipe.

With Love ❤️
introvert _2001

Word Count: 1112.

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