Intended Ignorance

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Arjun's POV:

This woman is dumb wit! She is trying all the means to gain my attention.

Stop it Arohi, it's hurting me so much.

I went crazy the day before yesterday with the stunt she pulled. I sat by my window with a coffee mug in my hand. The morning looked serene. And with every passing second, I feel like my life and energy are being drained. My eyes are drooping and my body is aching. I can't let my condition affect Arohi's life. That woman is mad for me.

My joints are aching and even before I can handle it, the mug fell off my hand spilling the whole coffee on the floor. I went to the kitchen and got a mop. I cleaned them and took a quick bath. I went to my music inc. as my manager made a call.

" Sir, Sridhar sir wants only you to compose the music for his movie. He is willing to wait until you agree sir." My manager said. It's an issue to think about. I don't know how much time I can make it.

" How long are they planning to complete the movie in?" I asked.

" 7 months sir." He answered and I nodded. This can be my last movie. I want to put my soul into this movie.

" I'll name all the songs. No one gets to argue about this.' I said taking a seat in my cabin.

" But sir," He tried to say but just showed my hand.

" I wish for this Krishan. It's gonna be a special project for me." I said and he nodded.

" I wanna speak to the director," I said and he said that he already arranged a meeting with him.

" Sir wishes to see you over morrow sir." He said and I nodded.

I didn't even realise how 6 months of my life have passed. I don't know about others, but this project and the music in this are so overwhelming for me. There were days when I cried composing them. I wanna give my personal touch to them, so, I locked my hums with all 16 BGMs. The 7 songs are different in their way.

" Arjun sir, you said that you wanna name all the songs and here I give that privilege to you." Sridhar sir said and I smiled mumbling a thank you.

" Sir, you are not yourself in these 6 months." He said and I just gave him a small smile.

" I took this project as my prestige sir. This is my last project. I'm retiring." I smiled and he looked at me shocked.

" Sir, you are just 29." He sounded concerned.

" But I wish to take rest, sir." I said and he still didn't like my idea of retiring.

" By the way, I came here for your clarification regarding the song names." He spoke and I nodded.

" The whispers of Agape. (Love)

The whispers of Rayan. (Touch)

The whispers of Ooha. (Imagination)

The whispers of Hul. (Pain)

The whispers of Ichaa. (Desire)

The soul of Junoon. (Obsession)

The soul of Unma. (Happiness)

The soul of Nova. (New Beginning)

That's it, sir. I wanna name these." I said and he looked at me like I've grown heads.

" Are you sure sir?" He asked contemplating.

" 100% sir," I said and he nodded.

This is going to be the start and end of ARohi and ARjun.

In these 6 months, there was not even a day where Arohi cried begging for my love. She continued to be my student. I wish she just give up on me. She is making it more painful and agonising for me.

I went to the hospital from my studio and there is my doctor.

" Hi, doc!" I wished him and he kind of looked pissed.

" Show me your back." He ordered and I bent a little lifting my t-shirt.

" It's Melanoma Arjun and fucking please take the chemo. You can't stop the spread of this with medicines anymore." He screamed and I covered my ears.

"A year more uncle, that's it. I won't be coming to your hospital anymore." I laughed and he slapped me hard. It strung badly and I can feel the heat radiating off my cheek.

" You think you can keep me away as you did with your parents and Arohi?" He yelled and I just sat there. My insides started shivering and my eyes started feeling wet. I broke and looked at him. He looked sad wiping his eyes.

" Please listen to me, Arjun. Don't make it hard for everyone. You are hurting 4 people. Me, your parents and Arohi. That poor soul doesn't even know why you keep rejecting her. " He pleaded and I nodded in no.

" I can't uncle. I don't think I'll bear it. I might die in the middle of therapy. I just don't wanna lose this precious one year with her. I wanna make her the best version of me." I begged and he sighed.

He touched my back and I winced. He pulled my T-shirt up and touched my moles. I feel like someone is burning my back. I pulled my t-shirt down and collected my medicines. I left there and by the time I reached home, It was 11:30 pm.

The lights are still on in Arohi's room. I can hear the light music from the room and it's so soulful. She is behaving more maturely now, getting things quickly and speaking less. It's time, I introduce her to the industry. I should talk to Sridhar sir.

I went inside and slumped on the bed changing my clothes. I don't have any energy left in my body to cook. I was about to doze and heard a knock. I opened the door and there stood my musical note, my Arohi.

" What do you want?" I asked nonchalantly.

" You got a post." She said handing me an envelope. She came inside unasked and placed a box and bowl leaving the dining room immediately.

" Eat and sleep." She said monotonously and left. This is not the Arohi I know. She used to be bubbly and fun, but she? She is closing herself into a shell. I miss her.

I closed the door and opened the box to see methi paratha and butter chicken. A sense of guilt engulfed making my heart heavy. I feel like a wimp now. I ate the food and did the dishes.

I can't do justice to the amount of love you are showing Arohi. Just stay away, please.

I sat down on the bed and opened the envelope. My breath hitched seeing it. I didn't even expect this. It is from the government of India. My last film won the Silver Lotus Award under the best music composition category. What's more overwhelming than this? I can lie down peacefully after receiving this award.

I need to leave for New Delhi the day after tomorrow. Arohi will be happy if she gets to know this.

With Love❤️

Word Count: 1197.

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