The Proposal

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Arohi's POV:

Enough of his attitude Arohi! He is being an ass. Time to tame this beast into a lover boy!

I cooked myself a bowl of Poha and had it with pickle. He was so rude 3 nights back. What did I even do to him?

It was time for my tuition and I hurriedly took it. He said that he would take my test today. And I'm scared. He turns really rude when taking my test. There were days when he made me cry buckets. His words directly pierce through your heart.

I hesitantly knocked on his door and he opened it. He looked hot with his rugged look.

" You said you'd take my test today," I whispered and he nodded asking me to come inside.

" Go and sit in the studio." He said and I went there. I took a deep breath and he came back with a few sheets. I put my file away and looked at him frowning.

" Make the notes of the song you wanna play." He said and I immediately became tense.

" Right now?" I questioned and he nodded.

I wetted my lips and took the sheets with my shivering hands. I took the fountain pen he gave me and started making notes of A Rose From You. Once I'm done I looked at Arjun who sat on the couch like he owns this place. Of course, he owns this place dummy.

I sat in front of his piano and looked at him in fear. He'll eat me alive if I go wrong. I started and as the song went on, I gained confidence playing the notes. I'm almost done and have added the extra length of notes at the end giving it my effect.

I smiled in contentment for the first time in the tests. I looked at Arjun and he looked calm, just like someone who is mesmerised. Is he mesmerised by my performance? Might be!

" How is that Arjun?" I asked with a grin and clasped hands. He asked me to come to him with the notes paper and I went there. I stood in front of him and his demur changed.

" I wasn't training you for nothing Arohi. You are useless. Have you seen the notes? Blunders. Absolute blunders. Even a kid would do better than you." He said shaking in ire. Tears pooled in my eyes and he screamed at me again not to cry. I flinched and he looked at me mercilessly. If I stay here for another second, I know we both will cause mayhem.

I was about to leave and he held my wrist roughly pulling me back. I fell on the couch beside him. He grabbed the paper from my hand and looked at me. He circled the mistakes and I felt insulted. With each mistake he rounded, my heart kept escalating.

" Please stop

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" Please stop." I whispered and his angry eyes darted towards mine.

" Fucking learn to accept your mistakes and correct them Arohi." He said coldly and a shiver ran down my spine. I meekly nodded and looked into the paper. There are lot many. I clenched my eyes in disappointment.

He threw the paper away and got up.

" I have to say you something Arjun." I whispered and he just shook his head.

" An another disappointment?" He mocked and my voice just stuck at my throat.

" I... I..." I tried. But it's not coming past my throat. He sat back on the couch and pointed towards the file I got and my legs started trembling.

" Get me that file." He said and I hesitated. This is what I want, then why am I even contemplating?

" Arjun... I..." I tried to prompt but he showed his hand pointing towards the file. I took slow steps and walked towards my file and handed it to him. He opened it and a few musical hearts fell in his lap.

" What's this?" He questioned confused and I gulped

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" What's this?" He questioned confused and I gulped.

" I asked you what is this Arohi?" He screamed and I cried.

" I... I.. Love You, Arjun." I said with blurry eyes and he was just looking at me.

" Come again." He whispered as if he is not believing my words.

" I Love You." I said a bit louder this time and he pulled me onto him in the nick of a second. My face stopped just an inch away from his. His harsh breaths directly hit mine erupting the palpitations in my stomach.

" What did you fucking say?" He whispered menacingly slowly erupting goosebumps all over my body.

" I love you." I whispered and he tightened his grip around my waist making me uncomfortable.

" Where did the feelings come from when I'm your teacher and you are my student?" He whispered against my ears. I clenched his t-shirt in fear. He is scaring me at this moment.

"I know you know this Arjun, but trust me, I've fallen for you the very first time I've seen you. I am madly in love with you Arjun." I said unable to explain how to convey it to him.

" Shu....." He tried to scare me off but I pressed my lips sealing this moment in my thoughts forever. I tried my maximum to show how vulnerable I become when I'm near him, mainly in his arms. I moved back and he looked at me shocked. My eyes kept on tearing looking into his dead eyes.

" Out. Get out." He screamed still not believing what happened. I flinched and immediately got up.

I walked to the door and turned back to see him still sitting on the couch.

" I want you to understand me Arjun, but you made me say those words." I said and he looked at me spitting fire.

I rushed to my room and bolted it falling on the bed. Tears kept on falling from my eyes as I kept remembering Arjun's words. No one has ever humiliated me to this extent. I want to hate you Arjun, but every time I try, I keep loving you more.

With Love❤️

Word Count: 1030.

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