The Sickness

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Arjun's POV:

My way to the hospital was hectic and I had to beg the doctor to clear his schedule. On top of this, this Mumbai traffic is hectic. I reached the hospital in 2 hrs and trust me, if someone has an emergency, they might die on the way.

One part of me is nervous while the other part of me is curious. I knocked on the door of my doctor's cabin and he asked me to come in.

" How is my champ?" Asked Dr Kashyap.

" I'm great uncle. I wish the same with you." I smiled at him.

" Did the reports come?" I asked and he nodded removing his glasses.

" I know they didn't come good seeing the expressions you are giving." I chuckled to lighten the mood.

" How are you taking this Arjun? It's been 2 years." He asked empathy lacing his voice.

" I'm good Uncle. All I need to do is accept the truth. The chances are mostly unpredictable." I smiled and he patted my hair.

" You are one brave boy Arjun Dalvi." Uncle smiled. He took out my reports and handed me.

" I wanna live." I mumbled and he looked at me shocked. She makes me wanna live with her.

" The chances are almost less Arjun and what is it that brought this little zeal in you?" He asked smiling.

" My new tenant." I smiled and he made an O face.

" You like her, don't you?" He asked and I just smiled.

" What do you suggest?" I asked and he heaved a heavy sigh.

" Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy." He said with dead eyes.

" I'm sorry that I'm trying to make the impossible things possible." I chuckled wiping the wetness that formed at the corner of my eyes.

" Don't lose hope Arjun." He said holding my hand.

" How long?" I asked and he looked at me with wet eyes.

"Maybe a few years." He said and I clenched my teeth to not scream. I need to go away from her.

" You can opt for the therapy Arjun. You are still in stage 2." He said and I nodded no.

" Do you think I can make it?" I asked with hope and he nodded.

" I really can't guarantee you son, but we'll try to make it possible together." He assured and I just shrugged. I don't want to go through any more pain. It's draining me.

" I'm tired uncle. All these therapies and drugs are giving me so much pain." I whispered and my wet eyes gave away my pain.

" I... I feel like my nerves are being plucked, I feel like ants are crawling on my skin and sometimes, I feel numb. It's torture uncle." I broke. That's the last thread and he looked sad.

" Try Arjun. Please don't give up." He pleaded and I shook my head in no.

" Please don't give me hope Uncle. I... I feel like holding her hand and hugging her with every second I spend with her. I crave for her presence Uncle." I cried getting up. I'm done taking the medicines. My quantity of medicines is higher than my food.

" I'll just leave. I'm sorry. I won't come here again Uncle." I joined my hands in Namaste and felt that place. I feel like someone is choking me there.

I sat in the car and wiped my eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror and those look red. I took a few deep breaths and calmed myself down.

I zoomed my car towards my little home and I saw Arohi looking outside. As if she is waiting for someone. I can feel you Arohi but please don't fall for me.

I stopped the car in the garage and made my way towards the staircase. Where is this woman?

" Bhoo." Someone screamed and I flinched almost missing a stair.

" You are scared, Arjun!" Arohi laughed coming to my front.

" You are such a baby." She laughed punching my shoulder and an instant pain surged through me.

" What the fuck is wrong with you Arohi? It's hurting woman." I screamed and she flinched at her place.

" I'm sorry Arjun. I don't know if it's paining you so much that you cry." She whispered wiping the wetness off my eyes.

" Just move away Arohi. Go and practise. You will have a test this weekend." I warned her and she looked taken aback.

" I'm sorry. I was just trying to help you." She mumbled and got up to leave. I walked to my home and closed my door locking it. I hurriedly rushed to my bedroom and discarded my t-shirt.

It's paining, paining like a bitch. I feel like dying. I sat on the floor and hugged my body. It's so sore that I'm even unable to move.

Stop crying, Arjun. You look so weak. Just take a nap and you'll be alright.

I crawled onto the bed and slept on my stomach. My body feels so hot and my moles are aching.

I slipped into a deep sleep and my stomach growled. I pulled my head up to see the saliva wetting the pillow. I wiped it away and applied sunscreen. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see a bottle of pickle and a few fruits. I opened the cabinets and took out the wheat flour to make some rotis. I kneaded the dough and left it to rest for a few minutes meanwhile, I went out to get a few eggs and fetched them with a bar of chocolate.

Why do I suddenly crave a bar of chocolate?

I came back to see the devil leaning on my door, probably waiting for me.

" What do you want?" I asked maintaining my cold demeanour.

" No, I noticed something this afternoon. I just came to ask you about that." She said walking forward and I have to retreat my steps back.

" What?" I asked seriously frowning.

" You looked nervous as soon as you saw me this afternoon. Like, I may find something." She said unsure and to be honest, she is damn sharp.

" Nervous and me? Is this some kind of new thing to talk to me Arohi? If yes, then just leave because I'm not in the mood to entertain all your shit." I sounded irritated.

" Asshole!" She muttered and walked away. I sighed and unlocked the door. I made the egg curry and Rotis. I sat in front of the TV and finished them. My nerves are frozen as soon as the cold water touched my hand. An instant pain struck my hand and I felt like I'd die. I left the dishes for the next day and went to bed.

Don't invade my thoughts Arohi!

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 1163.

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