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Arohi's POV:

Last night was great. He let me assist him and the sound engineers seriously took my suggestions when I expressed myself to them.

They are so down to earth. Maybe because Arjun is adjacent to me!

I've heard that he has a concert tomorrow and the whole preparation is on a great swing.

He is practising the songs and the mashups along with the musicians. The beats are going high and low with different frequencies. I feel like dancing in front of him.

And to be honest I did once and he stopped singing. He looked like I'm mad. But who cares? Not me at least.

I wanna sleep early today as I have so much work regarding Arjun's concert tomorrow. After all, he made me his manager for this concert which I'm really glad for.

I walked to his practice room and saw him sitting on the chair with some pained expression.

" Arjun, are you alright?" I asked him placing my hand on his shoulder.

He just looked at me blankly but the pain he is trying to hide is quite visible in his eyes.

" You don't look fine Arjun. Shall I get you something? I mean do you have any medicines to subsidize the pain?" I asked and he immediately nodded.

" Take me to my room." He pleaded with almost no energy. I don't think he'll be able to pull off tomorrow's concert.

I slowly got him to his room and made him sit on his bed. I tried to open the drawers but he held my wrist as if I'm opening the drawers of his secrets.

" Can you get me some water?" He asked unusually sweetly which is raising a pang of doubt in me.

" Arjun are you hiding something from me?" I pleaded with him and he immediately nodded in no directly looking into my eyes. Those intense eyes are lying to me for the first time. He is hiding something from me.

Though, I went to the kitchen and filled his jug with fresh water. By the time, I went back he hurriedly closed the drawers and swallowed some pills. He grabbed the jug from me and filled his glass with water. The way he drank the water spilling them on his sides said how much hurry he is in.

" What are those Arjun?" I asked being serious this time. I hope he is not hiding something big from me.

" Vitamins!" He answered and for an instance I just wanna laugh. Do I look like a fool to him that he keeps lying and I believe?

" Whatever you are hiding Arjun, just remember that I'm there for you. Take care and all the best." I whispered.

I bent towards him and contemplated whether to speak or not.

" If possible stop eating those pills Arjun. It will harm you. Good night." I said and kissed his forehead. He didn't look astonished, he gave me a tight-lipped smile nodding his head.

With each step I took, I felt like my heart is feeling heavy. I need to get rid of this burden. I need to confess my feelings to him.

Till how many days?

I took a deep sigh and opened the door of my little home. The cosy feeling welcomed me and I hugged my bed diving into a deep sleep. I just hope tomorrow's concert goes well.

I don't know when the sun rays started hitting that I woke up with the irritation. I looked at my mobile to see 2 missed calls from Arjun.

Fuck! Today is Arjun's concert. I have so much to handle. I rushed into the washroom and took a quick bath. I got myself into some presentable clothes and skated towards Arjun's home. I continuously rang his bell and he graced in front of me with the sandwich in his mouth and the water dripping from his hair.

" You are late by 50 min. I don't pay you to be late." He said in a muffled voice.

" I'm sorry. I was thinking about your health and slept late last night." I spoke hurriedly and got inside his home. I'm damn hungry.

Arjun stopped chewing his food and looked at me." Don't just don't think about me. I know what I'm doing and how my health is."

" Arrogant bastard!" I muttered and to my bad luck, he heard those two specific words.

The sudden pain struck me as soon as he twisted my hand behind.

" Control your mouth, my dear Arohi. I don't like when someone belittles me. Understood?" He asked and a painful growl left my throat.

Ahh! This bastard. He is hurting me. I just don't wanna go through this pain. So, immediately nodded. A slow smirk formed on his lips and he pushed the last bite of his sandwich into my mouth and left me.

We left for the concert place as soon as I finished my breakfast in his home. I worked like an ass from morning to evening. From checking whether every musician came or not to his dress and make-up.

A sense of panic rose in me when Arjun got onto the stage. I hope I didn't miss anything. I breathed a sigh when the musicians started the tune and Arjun started the first Sargam. Thank god! Everything is fine.

I slumped under the fan and closed my eyes taking the breaths which I require the most now. The soothing sound of Arjun's gaana took me to another world. Each song of his is finely crafted by his voice and the musicians left no chance in lifting the hype of the songs. The crazy shrieks of the audience yelling for his name and singing along with him are saying how crazy they are about him.

Each song he sang took me to a trance of love land. He is making it hard for me not to fall deeper day by day.

I love you Arjun!

I closed my eyes and the tiredness took over me. I didn't even realise when the concert was over until Arjun and his friends shook me. I slept in the car and I can feel Arjun shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Arjun waiting for me.

" You look tired. Go are sleep in your home." He spoke gently that I have no conscious what I'm doing and where I'm going. All I found, at last, is my soft bed.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 1093.

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