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Arohi's POV:

A small knock was heard from my door. An unknown fear crept inside me.

Is there some thief roaming around?

A thief where Arjun lives? Huh! No chance!

I took slow steps and peeked from the door hole. Some person is standing bending a little. He was twisting and turning.


I opened the door and it's the thief of my heart itself. Arjun!

" What do you want?" I barked and he looked at me with pained eyes.

" Any antacid!" He asked rubbing his hand over his chest.

" Do I look like your medical shop? I don't have one." I said angrily and slammed the door on his face.

What did you do Arohi? Arjun is in pain. Help him in the name of humanity atleast. My heart screamed.

I slowly opened the door and he still stood there rubbing his heart and holding his stomach.

This rascal made my sleep fly away.

He must be in pain.

I slowly held his sando and tugged it. He looked back at me and his eyes almost teared, may be in pain.

" Get in Arjun." I pulled him inside holding his hand.

I helped him sit on the chair of my little dining table and walked into the kitchen.

I took the ingredients and boiled them in the pot to make some Khada. It will definately help him. Mumma always makes me this.

I looked for some antacid and there is none in home.

I added the baking soda in the water and handed him.

" Have it until I bring something else." I mumbled and he looked at me.

" Shut up and drink it fast." I whimpered irritatedly.

I poured the hot liquid from the pot into the glass and gave him. He slowly slurped the whole liquid and slowly rubbed his heart.

" Now get up!" I said and he looked really tired.

" Let me sleep!" He pleaded.

" I said get up." I pulled him up and took him for a stroll.

The night breezes are really amazing. The beautiful noises of those crickets are soothing which is making me wanna fall asleep here itself.

" You shouldn't sit as soon as you eat Arjun. Take a stroll or a walk listening to the music. It helps in digestion." I suggested and he sighed nodding.

" So friends?" I asked jumping infront of him.

He gave a thought and slowly nodded in yes. I hurriedly took his hand and shook it vigorously. A gentle smile crept in his lips.

Is he really smiling?

" So Arjun, now we are friends right? Teach me music!" I asked clasping my hands together. I hope he agrees to this.

" No." Came his answer quickly.

Bastard! I helped him in this critical situation and he straight away rejected me?

" Now leave and head to bed. It's quite late. You need to go to the studio for job search." He said looking at the raven sky.

Only if he know that I got the job.

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