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Arohi's POV:

As usual, I came to Arjun's home after having lunch and Maharaj is sleeping on the couch.

He looked too adorable that I just wanna peck his lips.

Can I?

No Arohi, control yourself. That's the meanest thing you'll ever do to the male species in the earth.

Who the heck wouldn't fall in love with this rascal if he looks this cute.

No Arohi. Don't.

I inched closer while my brain is sending me the warning signals.

I leaned onto him and pressed my lips gently on his temple. All the anger that was bottled up till now in my heart for his rude behaviour vanished.


My throat went dry seeing the scene infront of me.

Stop stretching your muscles Arjun.

I rushed into the kitchen and opened the fridge for the water bottle. And to my astonishment, he printed the whole bottle with my name and there's a sticky note too.

Drink the water only from this. bottle. ~A

That's so sweet of this idiot. I sipped some water from it and placed the water bottle back in the fridge throwing the sticky note in the bin.

I went back and sat infront of the key board. I played the song Control and I stopped listening to him.

" You played the G note wrong." He mumbled in his sleep.

How can a person be this accurate even in their sleep?

I played the same thing again in a wrong way and this time he woke up nudging his eyes.

Can someone pinch me? How come this Greek god look this handsome with messy hair and drowsy eyes?

I cleared my throat and played the correct note this time.

He hummed and fell back again into the sleep.

A chuckle erupted from my throat.

So adorable!

I was continuously playing and he kinda looked irritated. I stopped making a noisy note.

" Yaar..... Arohi." He got up with his eyes still closed.

" You can go and sleep in your bedroom. Why to disturb me?" I mumbled and he looked wide awake now.

" You tell me where to sleep in my own home?" He asked in his deep groggy voice that I gulped. I nodded in no immediately.

" Play that again and I want it all correct. Those 3 are coming today." He mumbled and went inside the kitchen. May be to get some water.

" Do you need some water?" He asked and I took that as the cue and walked inside the kitchen.

I bent a little and took the water bottle from the fridge. I know I'm breaking the rules and wanna break the walls around Arjun's heart too.

All the while, I noticed him looking at me. I sipped the water and wantedly examined the bottle.

" A.R.O.H.I." I read the each letter on the bottle and he looked away. I kinda want to laugh at him.

 I kinda want to laugh at him

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