Her Objectives

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Arjun's POV:

I don't know why she is being this close to me when I try to keep avoiding her. I can feel her objectives.

There was a knock on the door and I know who it is. Arohi!

" Arjun, what's the breakfast?" She asked me sweetly for a second I melted at her cuteness.

" Do you think this is some Dharamshala that I keep offering you food and bed?" I tried to be rude against my will.

I don't know what she thought but she gave me a tight-lipped smile and nodded no. Just go Arohi! Don't make me act rude towards you.

" I came here you offer you breakfast but I think you got it wrong. I'm sorry if I made you feel so." She whispered that I can see the sheath of saline in her eyes. It pricked me somewhere that I was feeling bad for myself. She turned to go but I held her stopping at her place. She turned back with glittering eyes and I noticed the love towards me in them. But I'm sorry Arohi.

" Did you do your homework?" I asked and she nodded no.

" Go and finish it and I'm very strict about it," I warned and he ran from there.

I walked into my bedroom and sat there sighing. The breakfast I made turned cold. It's just for a few days Arjun.

I quickly finished it and washed my plate gulping the glass of water. I sat on the bed to see the flowers placed in the vase. Those look gloomy and tired, just like my life. I opened the drawer to see the scattered boxes of my medicines.

How long are you gonna keep this secret from her Arjun? You'll break her at the end. My heart screamed.

I furiously gulped the pills and slumped on the bed. The bare ceiling is mocking me showing the bland colours I chose to paint it with. This very wooden house I love is what is left with me. This is my home, just like hers. She makes me feel at home asking me all the nonsense who never asked me in 27 years.

It's been 4 years since I cried and the emotions and tears that I tried to keep at bay are rushing out without my control. The tears I'm trying to hold back finally made their way out. My hands turned fists automatically to not let myself sob. The deep breaths though helped me to some extent won't be helped after seeing her. She is divine and serene with both her talks and actions. How can I say that I can't be with her and won't be able to love her as she does?

My eyes felt heavy and I slipped into a small slumber. The caller's bell rang waking me up from my sleep. I pushed my duvet away and walked to the living room to open the door. There she stood again with some papers tagging the same grin again.

I looked at the clock and it was showing me 6 pm. I slept longer than usual.

"Come in. " I said and she nodded.

" I'm done with the homework." She chirped.

I nodded and went to the washroom to wash my face and mouth. I pulled those papers from her hand and sat on the loveseat. The warm ambience comforted me at this moment. I still feel lazy.

Damn this woman, so many mistakes.

" Do you think this is homework or some scribbling notes? What's this?" I yelled and she flinched at her place.

" Even a kid doesn't make these many mistakes," I said and she turned pink in embarrassment. She kind of looked cute in the PJs and that red face. But this is not the time to praise her. She'll not survive with these poor skills.

" I... I'll correct it Arjun." She mumbled with trembling lips.

" When? After my demise?" I screamed angrily. I can feel my chest heaving with ire.

" I'm sorry. I'll correct them now." She mumbled quickly wiping her tears.

" Come to the studio and fetch yourself a Casio. Play the same notes you have written." I said and she nodded unsurely. She sat on the chair in front of the Casio and I threw the sheet on the table. She arranged everything properly on the table with her trembling hands and looked at me once. I leaned onto the wall and was waiting for her to start.

Few notes sounded worse and she cringed at that moment. She was nodding her head in yes and no when she felt something wrong. She took the pen and scribbled them right. She stopped finally and I opened my eyes to see her standing Infront of me with the paper forwarded from her trembling hands. Her beautiful eyes held fear for me and love for those notes.

I checked them again to find only a few mistakes.

" Next time you write something, make sure that both your brain and body are conscious," I said thrusting the paper in her hand and walking from the studio.

I waited for her to come out and she looked off to my dislike. Her eyes looked swollen indicating that she cried.

" Wash your face and change into something presentable," I said and she looked at me.

" Are we going somewhere?" I heard her soft voice.

" Just go," I mumbled and she walked from my home.

I wore a white t-shirt and grey jeans and paired them with a light pink jacket. I locked my home and descended to see her locking the door.

She looked beautiful and classy in black n black. Her hair is neatly combed and left loose. She covered her eyes with big reading glasses and avoided seeing me.

Me and Arohi sat in the car and I looked her seat belt which she immediately fastened

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Me and Arohi sat in the car and I looked her seat belt which she immediately fastened. The whole time she gazed out and didn't even speak a single word to me.

The surroundings are warm and I slowed the car down.

" You didn't even question me where we are heading." I said to her softly.

" The destination won't change anyway if you say me where we are going." Arohi said monotonously which is new to me.

" Fine. I agree that I yelled too much at you today and I'm sorry." I said stopping the car and turning towards her.

" Is this some kind of make-up for how you behaved?" She asked and her voice cracked.

" Arohi," I called her and she removed her glasses looking directly into my eyes.

" Am I your toy Arjun? You yell at me whenever you want and be nice to me whenever you want. You are playing with my emotions Arjun." She tried speaking and sobbed at the end.

" Arohi, I didn't mean to yell at you." I tried to say and she showed me her hand to stop.

" I wanna quit Arjun. I don't want to learn music under you." She said and the tears kept flowing from her eyes. It pained me to see her like this.

" I'm sorry." My voice came out a little hesitant. She just gave me a sad smile and looked outside.

I started the car and looked at her to see her still seeing outside the glass.

With Love ❤️

Word Count: 1246.

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