Secret Santa

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Warning: contains swearing, panic attack and slight mentions of sex

"Okay, rules; pick a name from the Santa hat, and that is the person you have to buy a present for, but you can't tell anyone who you pick. Oh, and if you pick your own name put it back." Jeff said, holding the Santa hat full of names.

"What if we pick our boyfriend's name?" Blaine asked.

"Doesn't matter, a name is a name." Jeff said, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, I'll go first."

Jeff put his hand into the bag and took out a piece of paper, he unfolded it and saw the name 'Sebastian' written.

"Umm... okay, I can work with this." Jeff said, putting the name into his pocket.

"Okay, me next." Thad said, stepping forward and putting his hand in the hat, pulling out a bit of paper with the name 'Kurt' on it. "Oh thank fuck."

"Right, I'll go, get this shit over with." Hunter said, pulling out a name, 'Nick'.

"Okay, Sebastian, you're up." Jeff said, shaking the bag. Sebastian stepped forward, took out a piece of paper, opened it and saw the name 'Hunter' written on it.

"Oh for fuck's sake." Sebastian said, rolling his eyes and putting it into his pocket.

Nick went next, and got David, Kurt got Jeff, Blaine got Wes, David got Thad and Wes got Blaine.

"Okay, we all have two weeks to get our secret Santa present." Jeff said. "And nothing basic, the present needs to have emotion and be from the heart."


"I am so fucked." Hunter said, flopping on his bed, face first. "Like, royally fucked."

"Why?" Sebastian said, sitting next to him and reading his magazine.

"I have no idea how to buy presents for people, normally my mom sorts this shit out. I don't know what my person likes."

"Considering we're all your close friends, that's a bit concerning."

"You know that I mean, wipe the smirk off your face." Hunter said, rolling his eyes. "Do you know what you're getting your person?"

"I have a few options, I can't decide though, I like them all." Sebastian said, holding back a laugh.

"Fuck's sake, when we're married you're doing all the Christmas shopping."

Sebastian immediately stopped reading, slowly turning to look at Hunter.

"You... you really think that far into the future?"

"Don't you? I mean, we love each other, assuming we're going to get married is only logical." Hunter said. "What's got you in a frenzy?"

"Just, you've never said that to me before."

"What are you talking about? I've told you I love you before."

"No, not that. We've never talked about marriage." Sebastian said quietly.

There was a moment of silence, then Hunter spoke. "Did you seriously think I didn't see this relationship lasting? That this was a little high school fun?"

"No- just... it's nothing, I'm being silly." Sebastian said, looking back at his magazine, but Hunter could tell he wasn't focused.

"Sebastian." Hunter said, throwing away the magazine and forcing Sebastian to look at him. "I know we never do all that lovey-dovey crap, but I do love you, and I only want to be with you. I'll get down on one knee right now if that's what it takes for me to convince you."

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