Former Soulmate

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//taken from my story 'Klaine One Shots'//

Warning: contains swearing and mentions of child abuse

Blaine parked into the Dalton parking lot, closing his eyes for a minute to relax, but jumped when he heard someone knock the window.

"Get out here Blaine!"

Blaine chuckled lightly and opened his car door, immediately being smothered in a hug by Thad.

"I've missed you too." Blaine said, chuckling and hugging his old friend back.

"God, it's been years since we've been here." Thad said, wrapping an arm around Blaine's shoulders and looking at his old school.

"Five years since the last reunion, and five teen years since we left school." Blaine told him.

"Don't talk like that, you're making me feel old." Thad said, smiling at him.

"We're not exactly young anymore, we're all in our early thirties." Blaine told him. "I still feel eighteen inside though."

"I don't think I've aged mentally since I was fifteen." Thad said, chuckling lightly. "Come on now, we need to see everyone else."

Blaine followed Thad into Dalton, taking the familiar route to the gymnasium.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Blaine Anderson and Thad Harwood." Someone said behind them. Both men turned around, smiling when they saw Sebastian standing there.

"Hey Seb." Blaine said, walking up to him and giving him a quick hug.

"Yeah, yeah, we missed each other and all that soppy crap." Sebastian said, rolling his eyes but letting Blaine hug him.

"Is Hunter with you?" Thad asked him.

"No, me and my boyfriend -who I live with- decided to come separately." Sebastian said sarcastically.

"Right." Thad said, chuckling lightly. "I haven't missed your bitchiness."

"And I haven't missed how nosy you are." Sebastian replied.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Curly Locks and Mr Wood." Someone said as they turned the corner. Blaine looked over Sebastian's shoulder, smiling as Hunter walked over to them, wrapping an arm around Sebastian's waist and kissing him on the cheek. Blaine noticed their similar greetings, and smiled at how similar and perfect they were for each other. "What did I miss?"

"Just remembering how much I can't stand our friends." Sebastian said.

"Love you too Seb." Thad said, blowing him a kiss.

"So, how have you all been? Give me all the regular updates." Blaine said.

"I've not been up to much. Patrick cheated on me so I kicked him out." Thad told them.


"Yeah, cheating on me with his fucking therapist of all people. My companies doing good too, sales went up by thirty percent so I had a celebration by myself for that one."

"You meant you got drunk and bought take out?" Sebastian said, smiling.

"Precisely. What about you guys?"

"Well, I got a new job." Hunter said. "Which was about fucking time, I'm so glad I don't have to deal with my old boss anymore."

"What's your new job?"

"Business development manager." Hunter told them.

"You enjoying it?" Blaine asked him.

"Yeah, I'm good at all that business shit." Hunter said.

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