I hear a Symphony

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Wes wandered around the Warblers practice room, tidying up the mess everyone left. David had offered to help, but Wes declined, he wanted to be alone for a while.

He was sorting through their piano sheet music (why they, an a Capella group, had a piano, he would never know), when he found a particular song.

He smiled softly, he had never played or sung the song before, but whenever he listened to the song, it always reminded him of a particular person.

He looked at the sheet music for a moment, then looked around the room. No one was there, all the doors and windows were closed, no one would spot him.

He took the sheet music and walked over to the piano, sitting down and looking down at the black and white keys.

Flexing his fingers, he placed them on the keys and began to play. He hated his parents, but thank god they put him in piano lessons from the time he could barely walk.

I used to hear a simple song
That was until you came along
Now in its place is something new
I hear it when I look at you

His fingers danced over the keys, from note to note as he sung. He didn't sing often, and never sung in the Warblers. In competitions he would place himself at the back, lip-sync the lyrics, and go off stage after one song. The other Warblers tried to convince him to sing with them, but he refused. The people he sang to when he auditioned for the Warblers had long since left Dalton. So, no one currently in the school knows what his voice sounds like.

With simple songs I wanted more
Perfection is so quick to bore
You are more beautiful by far
Our flaws are who we really are


He loved David with his whole heart. David kept him comforted, sane, happy. David made him feel loved, something he never thought he would feel.

David was like an angel from heaven, someone that grounded Wes when he felt like he was sinking.

When Wes was at his lowest, David was there for every second, whether it was to help Wes solve his problems, or to just be there as a shoulder to cry on and a person to hug.

When Wes first walked into Dalton, he thought he would be alone for his four years of high school. He had never really made friends before, he didn't know how to do it, so he was sure that no one would want to even talk to him.

But then he met Jeff, who, after one conversation, refuted to leave him alone and let him be lonely. Wes said he hated it at the time, he wanted to be alone, not let anyone in his life in case they left, but in reality, he loved that someone wanted to be friends with him that much.

So, he became friends with Jeff, and then that led to being friends with Nick, then Thad, then Sebastian, and then Blaine and Hunter, and finally David.

David was the last person he became friends with. Not because he came into the friendship group last, he had always been apart of the group, but Wes refuted to talk to him. Not because he didn't Like David, it was quite the opposite actually.

David was... David. He was attractive, caring, sweet, polite, compassionate, generous, he was every positive word you could think of, and Wes was terrified of that.

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