Jeff's Plan

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//taken from my story 'Klaine One Shots'//

"Oh my god, this is driving me insane." Jeff groaned, watching Kurt and Blaine sitting at a table together, doing homework and occasionally talking to one another.

Nick smiled softly and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend, resting his head on Jeff's shoulder.

"When are they going to realise that they're both in love with each other?" Jeff said, crossing his arms against his chest and sulking.

"I don't know honey, they're both so oblivious." Nick said quietly, watching the pair do their homework in silence.

"We need to do something, this is killing me." Jeff said softly. "We need to think of a plan to get them together."

"Well, do you have any ideas?"

Jeff was silent, but then a smile slowly crept onto his face. "I have the perfect idea."


"Jeff sweetie, I love you so much, but I think this is one of the worst ideas you've ever had." Nick said, frowning slightly.

"Hush, this is going to work."

"Trapping them in a room together is not going to work." Nick replied, rolling his eyes at his boyfriends antics.

"It will work, just wait and- hey, Kurt, Blaine, come here!" Jeff shouted, seeing Kurt and Blaine at the end of the hall.

"Hey, can you help me and Nick for a second? Wes wants us to move one of the sofas, but its really heavy." Jeff said, smiling at both of his friends.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other, raising an eyebrow, but nodded, walking into the choir room.

"Okay, what sofa is it?" Blaine asked, but whipped his head around when he heard the door slam shut.

"Whoops, the door is stuck! Don't worry though, me and Nick will go get help." Kurt and Blaine heard Jeff say, then they heard the two boys slowly running down the corridor, away from the choir room.

"He totally done that on purpose, didn't he?" Blaine asked, turning to look at his best friend.

"Yeah, you could hear the smile and laughter in his voice." Kurt said, walking to the door and trying to open it, but realised it was locked.

"Well then, what do we do?" Kurt asked, turning to face Blaine.

"Hold on, I'll text Wes and get him to unlock the door." Blaine said, taking out his phone and clicking on Wes' contact.

Blaine: Nick and Jeff have locked Kurt and I in the choir room. Please come get us.

Wes: Sorry Blaine, but Jeff's blackmailing me so I don't help you guys.

"Oh my god." Blaine muttered, showing Kurt the text messages, who chuckled when reading them.

Blaine: Is David being blackmailed?

Wes: No, Jeff didn't think that far.

Blane: Daviddddddd.

David: I'm on my way.

"David's coming to get us." Blaine said, putting his phone into his pocket. Kurt nodded, moving to sit on the sofa.

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