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//suggested by ChaiYan on AO3, if anyone could correct my French, that would be amazing//

Warning: contains swearing, mentions of blood/injuries, pedophilia/underage dating/naked photos, rape (not mentioned in detail), blackmail, and physical and mental abuse

"Be careful Jeff." Nick said, watching as Jeff prepared everyone a mug of his famous hot chocolate.

"Relax, I've done this hundreds of times" Jeff said, waving him off with his hand.

All of them were sitting in the student's kitchen, waiting for David's cookies to finish baking and for Jeff to finish sorting the drinks.

"Okay, they're ready!" Jeff said, holding three mugs at once to give them to everyone.

"Be careful Jeff, they're hot." Wes said, not trusting Jeff with holding three scolding mugs, considering he was probably the clumsiest of them all, well, after Thad.

"I'm fine- oh my god!" Jeff said, watching as one of the cups fell to the ground right at Sebastian's feet.

Sebastian yelped and quickly stood back, watching as the mug smashed into pieces at his feet. But one rather large part managed to fly up and catch Sebastian in the hand, imbedding itself in the palm of his hand.

"I'm so sorry! Oh my gosh, you're bleeding!" Jeff said, looking horrified.

"Someone get a towel and a first aid kit." David said, stepping into mother mode with Kurt right behind him.

Sebastian couldn't hear anyone else, his focus was on the huge gash in his hand, blood quickly seeping out of it. He felt sick, he felt dizzy, he felt like he was going to die.

"Sebastian, do you need to sit down?" Hunter asked, wrapping an arm around Sebastian's waist to keep him steady.

That was the last words Sebastian heard before he passed out.

"Qu'est-ce que tu prépares? [What are you cooking?]" Samuel asked, wrapping his arms around Sebastian from behind. "Sent bon. [Smells good.]"

"Carbonara." Sebastian replied, letting him taste. "Bon? [Good?]"

Samuel was silent for a moment, then smiled and kissed Sebastian on the cheek. "Incroyable. J'ai du travail à faire maintenant chérie. [Amazing. I have work to do now sweetheart.]"

Samuel kissed him lightly on the cheek and walked into his living room, leaving Sebastian in the kitchen.

Sebastian smiled to himself and continued to cook their dinner. He loved Samuel, he really, really loved him. He honestly couldn't believe that he'd be happy with anyone else. Samuel was it for him.

Sure, from an outside perspective it might look wrong, but Sebastian didn't care about that, he only cared about the people within the four walls of this house.

Mère: Où êtes-vous? Vous avez école le matin.
[Mom: Where are you? You have school in the morning.

Sébastien: Chez un ami, bientôt à la maison.
[Sebastian: At a friends, be home soon.

"Dîner! [Dinner!]" Sebastian shouted, putting the plates and drinks onto the dining table.

Samuel walked into the dining room, smiling and kissing Sebastian lightly. "Merci mon chéri. [Thank you darling.]"

Sebastian smiled proudly and sat opposite Samuel, beginning to eat.

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