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//contains characters from my story 'Bibs to Boyfriends', apologies for how short this is, I wrote it in the rush for the New Year//

Warning: contains swearing

"We're gonnae hiv the time ae oor lives. [We're going to have the time of our lives.]" Noah said, grinning at all of them as they entered one of their hotel rooms. "Welcome tae Scotland! [Welcome to Scotland!]"

"I need like, fourteen hours of sleep." Xavier said, leaning into Sebastian's side. "Planes take it out of me."

"Come on, we'll check into our hotel and see you guys later." Sebastian said, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend and leading him out of the room.

"What do you have planned for us?" Wes asked, setting his bag down on his bed.

"Well, we'll dae any touring yous want tae, but oan Hogmanay we're gonnae go tae a pub, get pished and watch the celebrations fae Edinburgh oan the tele. [Well, we'll do any touring you guys want to, but on Hogmanay we're going to go to a pub, get drunk and watch the celebrations from Edinburgh on the television.]" Noah said, grinning. "Get the full Hogmanay experience. But Aye, a need a kip first. [Get the full Hogmanay experience. But yes, I need sleep first.]"


"I don't see the point of it." Blaine said, starting at the statue of the Duke of Wellington with a cone on his head. "Like, what's the point of the cone?"

"There isnae really a reason, just a bit ae shits and giggles. The cooncil tried tae stop it, but people just kept putting mare and mare cones that they eventually gave up. [There isn't really a reason, but a bit of shits and giggles. The council tried to stop it, but people just kept putting more and more cones that they eventually gave up.]" Noah said, smiling. "The cone is just accepted noo. [The cone is just accepted now.]"

"Aww, are yous looking at the mad cone? Mental hoo the cones just sitting oan the cunts head like that. [Aww, are you guys looking at the mad cone? Mental how the cones just sitting on the cunts head like that.]" Some guy that walked up them said, swaying side to side.

"Aye pal, just showing ma friends aroond Glescae. [Yeah pal, just showing my friends around Glasgow.]" Noah said, smiling at the random man.

"That's nice ae ye. We're are yous fae? [That's nice of you. We're are you guys from?]"

"I'm fae Bishopbriggs, these guys are fae the US. [I'm from Bishopbriggs, these guys are from the US.] Noah said.

"America aye? You know whit, I don't actually mind that lot. It's like the English, hate the country 'n' the government, but the people fae there ur awright. [America yeah? You know what, I don't actually mind that lot. It's like the English, hate the country and the government, but the people from there are alright.]" The man said, coughing loudly. "Well, a willnae keep yous any longer. Hiv a guid day. [Well, I won't keep you guys and longer. Have a good day.]"

They all watched the man stumble away, everyone except Noah looking extremely confused.

"Do you know him?" David asked, frowning.

"Never met the guy in ma life." Noah said. "People here just walk up tae ye 'n' start talking aboot anythin' they kin. [People here just walk up to you and start talking about anything they can.]

"Right, tae the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. [Right, to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum.]"


"What bar are we going to?" Thad asked as he was putting his shoes on. It was New Year's eve, and Noah was taking them out to celebrate Hogmanay 'the Scottish way'.

"Just some pub alang the road. Doesnae really matter whit wan we go tae. [Just some pub along the road. Doesn't really matter what one we go to.]" Noah said, making sure he had enough cash on him for the night. "Is everyone ready?"

"How long are we going to be staying out for?" Wes asked.

"Not sure, definitely till at least one in the morning." Noah said. "The whole Edinburgh 'hing is oan at midnight, so we'll be oot for a while after that. [The whole Edinburgh thing is on at midnight, so we'll be out for a while after that.]"

"Let's get going, I want to get drunk." Xavier said, smiling innocently at all of them.

They left the hotel and made it to the pub, stepping inside and seeing that it was already quite full.

"Right, yous all want a pint?" Noah asked, seeing all of their blank expressions and sighing. "I'll just get yous a pint."

A few drinks later, and they were all at least a little tipsy. They were warming up to the people around them, and Thad had somehow managed to befriend a group of very drunk girls.

"Ye'r so cute. [You're so cute.]" One of the girls said, leaning into Thad's side. "Aren't you just the sweetest."

"You know, I don't actually mind Scotland." Jeff said, standing next to Nick. "Noah always makes it out to be this horrible place full of people on drugs, but it's actually quite nice."

"I think so too, the people here are really funny as well." Nick said, looking around and smiling.

"Oh shit, sorry pal." Someone said as they bumped into Wes, clapping him on the shoulder and walking away.

"You look like a fish out of water." David said, chuckling lightly and taking a sip of his beer.

"Fine, fine, just not my usual environment." Wes said, smiling softly.

"We can go back to the hotel if you'd like." David said softly, wanting to wrap an arm around his boyfriend's waist, but thought better of it.

"No, I'm fine here, really. It's not that bad, I just need to get used to being out of my comfort zone." Wes said, smiling at him and taking a sip of his drink.

"And I thought we knew how to party." Xavier muttered, seeing the people in the pub dancing, throwing up, making out, someone had brought in a wheelbarrow, God knows how. Noah had even walked past them earlier and called this a tame night.

"When in Glasgow." Blaine said, chuckling.

"Hey, what show is that on the TV?" Sebastian asked,. Xavier, Sebastian, Kurt and Blaine all looked up at the TV, seeing four old people (three guys and one woman) stuck in a lift together, with the occasional flashback to a house party.

"Ur yous all ready fur the fireworks? [Are you guys all ready for the fireworks?]" Noah asked, managing to round all his friends together at the same table. "Just watch the TV."

"Gonnae somewan turn fuckin' the tele up! [Can someone turn the fucking television up!]" A man shouted. the Barman scowled at him, but nodded and turned the TV up.

There was a woman on the screen, with a stage behind her and an audience, all of them watching her and ignoring whatever performer had previously sung.

"And we're just about to start the countdown into the new year." The woman said, grinning. "Everyone, join in with me!"

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6!" Everyone in the pub shouted, joining in on the countdown into the new year.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!"

Everyone screamed in celebration, watching the fireworks on the TV being broadcasted from Edinburgh as they welcomed in the new year. Everyone in the pub was loud, drink was everywhere, and everyone was hugging each other, even if they were strangers.

"Happy New Year son." Some old man said, hugging Wes and patting him on the back. Wes was startled, and awkwardly patted the man on the back too, much to David's amusement.

"Happy New Year's handsome." One of the girls said, kissing Thad on the cheek, who just blushed and tried to get her to calm down.

"So, how does it feel tae celebrate the New Year in a different country?" Noah asked after hugging each of his friends, smiling at all of them.

"Good." Jeff mumbled as he ate the shortbread on the table. "Really good."

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