First Day

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Warning: contains swearing

"You've got your suitcase?"

"Yes mom."

"And your phone?"

"Yes mom."

"And all your electronics?"

"Yes mom."

"And your-"

"Mom, I have everything." Jeff said, rolling his eyes. "I think you just don't want me to leave."

"Oh hush. Now just give your mother a hug goodbye and get out of here." Jeff's mom said, opening her arms.

Jeff smiled and stepped forward, hugging his mom tightly.

"I'm going to miss having you in the house. I would say the house will be quieter without you, but that'd be lying."

Jeff chuckled lightly and let go of his mom. "See you at the weekend."

"Yes yes, now leave before I start crying like a teenage girl meeting Justin Bieber in front of you."

Jeff laughed loudly and waved goodbye as he walked away. He walked into Dalton and made his way to his assigned dorm room.

He opened the door, seeing that someone was already there.

"Hello! I'm guessing you're my roommate?"

"One of them, yes. I'm Wes." The boy said, standing up and sticking out his hand. Jeff ignored the hand and instead went in for a hug. Wes was startled, but hugged back as to not be rude.

Jeff was taller than Wes, but not by much. Wes had short black hair and was wearing black trousers, black shoes, a white shirt and a grey V-neck jumper.

"I'm Jeff. So, do we have assigned beds?" Jeff asked, looking around the room.

"No, not that I'm aware of." Wes said. "Take any bed you like."

Jeff looked at all of the beds, weighing his options, and then chose the bed closest to the window.

The door then opened, and two people walked in.

"Hey, this room one-three-five?"

"Yup, welcome. I'm Jeff and this is Wes." Jeff said, grinning at them.

"I'm Nick and this is Sebastian." The shorter of the two said, smiling nervously.

Nick was short, the shortest in the room currently, and had long dark brown hair that he constantly had to move out of his eyes.

Sebastian was the tallest of them all, towering over Nick. He had brown hair that was styled to stand up, and had bright green eyes.

"Pick any bed you like. Expect these two because we've already claimed them." Jeff said, gesturing to the rest of the beds.

Sebastian nodded, heading to a bed, and Nick chose a bed next to Sebastian.

"Are you two friends?" Jeff asked, seeing that the pair were quite comfortable with each other.

"Yeah, we've known each other since elementary." Nick said, smiling softly.

"Woah, that's a long time. I've never kept a friend that long." Jeff said, laughing lightly. "But we can all be friends, right?"

Sebastian looked up and stared at Jeff, not saying anything. Jeff shrunk into himself, and mumbled an apology.

Nick hit Sebastian on the chest lightly and gave Sebastian a stern look, whispering something to him under his breath.

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