If I Was a Boat I'd be a Yacht

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I am currently running up a slope in the Vacker's yard and something Dex complained about when he was elf-ifying my phone came back to me.

'How do humans get anything done on time with how slow these things run? That's has the be the hugest cell receptor I've ever seen and it does jackshit!' he'd said. I might be paraphrasing but you get the jist of it.

What I'm getting at is; he mentioned something about having smaller, pinpointed search areas to concentrate the energy as a boost or something, then spreading out to get a more effective feel of the area. Sounded like bullshit the first time he said it but since I tried it with my telepathy in, well, Telepathy, it started making a lot more sense.

If I lost any of y'all in that concentrated word vomit; it's kind of like a super-charged mental sonar. Tiergan had a hard time understanding it too, don't beat yourself up.

Make fun of me for being Sophie the Technician but that's what happens when you have a fuck-ton of free time in sixth grade. Something said, Normal people don't do that, in my head and I told it to shut up. I know my academic timelines don't make any sense so you'll have to take my word for it! Trust your bestie.

So, anyway: I'm running. Using my mental sonar to map out most of Everglen, imagining my location as a red dot, I eventually latched on to someone's thoughts. I recognized them as Keefe's—which wasn't hard because they're fucking loud as they're not gaurded like the average telepath's. Fitz' thoughts reached me a second later; they were way softer than Keefe's.

I imagined their locations as little blue dots on my imaginary sonar, the distance between me and either of them larger than that of each other like a fucked up isosceles triangle, and took off in their direction. Their thoughts were both centered around Biana and my base.

They're coming toward me.

It took almost a brain splitting amount of concentration to keep their little dots present and see where I'm going at the same time. The clusterfuck that is my brain will scream at me later for this. Nothing new.

Our dots were headed straight for each other. This would be entertaining if my legs weren't a inch away from giving in. I stretched my arms out, charging forward. Right as the dots collided my hands touched skin.

"FUCK YEAH! We won, right?"

Keefe and Fitz we stood there, eyes wide while I held their arms up like trophies. "You- Yeah, but how-"

"WOO-HOO! LET'S GO!" Biana screamed running toward us and effectively cutting off her brother. "You are so awesome."

"I know, I know." I let go of the boys' arms as I am sure they would want those and high-fived Biana. Mission Regain Platonic Soulmate: Complete!

"How did you do that," Keefe asked in awe, though it was more of a statement than a question. "You came right at us-"

"Like you knew where you were," Fitz finished, an impressed look on his face.

I am fully aware I can't tell Keefe and Biana about my telepathy, no need to remind me. "I heard you," I said simply hoping Keefe would buy that.

He didn't.

"Heard us how?" he pressed. He glanced at his arm and then at me. Putting on a mostly teasing voice he said, "Hiding something, Foster?" When did the 'Foster' thing start? one might ask. I don't fucking know; this is Keefe. But hey, I don't hate it.

Of course I'm hiding something, I thought, anyone would see that 'cause I can't keep a secret to save my ass.

"She probably heard you crashing through the bushes like a sasquatch," Fitz said, saving me from answering. "I think the whole world did."

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