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Lexi smiled as she woke in bed with Tom. He ran a hand up her thigh. "I love you Lex."

"I love you too."

Tom got on top of her and smirked as he felt how wet she was. She looked at him. "I want you," she mumbled.

Tom pushed into her. Lexi moaned out loud. Their lips met in a heated and passionate kiss. She looked at him. "Don't ever cheat on me. Okay?"

"I won't."

"Good. I'd have to take off your dick," Lexi moaned as she felt Tom's hand messing with her. "Babe," she mumbled.

Tom smirked as he made her release her load. He looked to her and winked. "You'd miss it too much," he told her as he kissed her.

The two of them arrived at work. Tom kissed her heatedly in front of everyone. The pupils wolf whistled. Lexi pulled away and grinned. Tom walked off.

Leigh walked over. "Well. I came back here to talk to Rachel about possibly returning to work. Yet I'm greeted with a PDA."

Lexi smirked. "Wait. You're coming back?"

"I have to. For Esmè's sake. She needs to see a lot of doctors. And it's better for me if I'm here," she told her.

Lexi grinned and nodded. "Yes. Wise choice. Does my brother know?"

Leigh shrugged and sighed. She looked at her. "I don't care if he does. He's not the boss of me. And I'm not going to let him dictate anything. Did you talk to Tom?"

"I was about to. But then I got distracted by his attachment. And we both know how much I love it," Lexi said.

Leigh rolled her eyes. "Of course you did. Are you okay though?"

"Yeah I'm good."

Lexi was sitting in her classroom. She looked up as Max walked in. He smiled. "Hey. What do you say we do dinner tonight? I think we need to bond."

Lexi raised her eyebrows. She looked to him. "You never want to bond with me. So why now?" She asked.

Max laughed. "You're my sister. So I think we should make an effort for one another. Despite the circumstances."

Lexi scoffed. "You mean the circumstances in which you abandoned your baby mama and got with a complete bitch?"

"Well not in so many words. But yes. Look, I care about you. You're the only decent family I have. So I think I should just make that effort with you."

Lexi shrugged. "Okay. You can pick me up tonight."

Tom smiled as Lexi walked into the staffroom. He kissed her. "What's up with your face?" He asked.

"Max. He said he wants to take me to dinner. As I'm the only decent family he has. And he wants to start making an effort with me," Lexi said.

Tom laughed and nodded. "Well I think you should go. It would be good for you."

Lexi smiled. "I think I will."

Lexi sat in her classroom and sighed. She knew that she was finding it hard to talk to Tom about him and weather he had cheated or not. But she was scared. Scared that everything was going to mess up before her eyes.

And she felt like she was powerless to stop the changes that were coming.

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