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Lexi hadn't told Tom or anyone that she was pregnant. She was scared and she felt so alone. She didn't even have Leigh anymore and it broke her more than anything.

Lexi knew that she and Tom weren't that serious at the moment. That they had been having sex. But now Lexi was pregnant, she knew it changed everything between them.

When she woke that morning, she saw a text from Tom;

Can we talk soon? - Tom x

Lexi sighed and put her phone away. She didn't think that she could tell Tom about the baby. Not after everything they'd been through.

Lexi arrived at the school and saw Max with Kim. She ignored him and walked off. She heard footsteps behind her and knew it would be Max. "What do you want?" She spat.

Max sighed. "Have you talked to Leigh? How is she?"

"Like I'd tell you. She's pregnant and alone. You chose Kim Campbell over her and your unborn daughter. Why would I tell you anything to do with her."

"That's precisely the reason you should."

Lexi shook her head. "As I remember, you told me you didn't want anything to do with Leigh or that baby. So why do you care now? Just back off."

Lexi was sitting in her classroom. She looked up as Tom walked in. She sighed. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah. Is everything okay? I text you this morning. You didn't reply," he said.

Lexi shrugged. "I've got stuff to do. I've been busy and haven't had time to reply," she told him.

In truth, she was upset and she didn't want to tell him she was pregnant. She didn't want to go through it alone. But she was scared.

Lexi went into town on her break. She saw Leigh sitting in the cafe. Leigh smiled. "Hey. How are you?" She asked.

Lexi sighed. "Pregnant. It's Tom's baby. I haven't told him yet cause I'm scared that I'll lose this baby."

Leigh smiled slightly. "It'll be okay. You'll be an amazing mummy. You were to your little girl."

Lexi shrugged. She sighed. "What happened Leigh? Why did you leave?" She asked.

Leigh looked at her. "I can't tell you. I'll ruin things. And I can't do that to you," she said.


"Tom. H-He paid me to leave. He said I was leaning on you too much and that I had to stop. He gave me ten grand to leave," Leigh admitted.

Lexi was shocked. She couldn't believe what Tom had done. She was mad. She felt a tear slip down her cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It was for the best that I left. Look,
I have an appointment in half an hour so I should go. But I'll text you later. Okay?"

Lexi stormed into the school. She saw Tom and walked over to him. She slapped him in front of everyone. "Lex?"

"I know! I know you paid Leigh to leave! Why would you do that?!" She yelled.

Tom sighed. "I felt like I was losing you. You were always with her."

"She's my best friend! How dare you!"

Tom sighed and pulled her into his arms. But she fought against him. "Leave me the hell alone!"

"Lex. Please."

Lexi shook her head. "Oh. I thought you should know. I'm pregnant. But you're damned if you think you're being there. This secret has ruined us."

But little did she know, Tom was hiding more than one secret from her. More of which would ruin them for good.

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