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Lexi was hurt. she was hurt over max and how he was treating her and she hated it. He was her brother and he had treated her like she was nothing and she hated it. Lexi sat in the bedroom and wiped the tears from her eyes as Tom walked in. He hated seeing. Lexi so upset and down. He knew he wanted her to be happy.

He wanted them to be happy together, Tom handed her a coffee and smiled as he sat next to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I don't know, all I wanted to do was help, max is more brother and even after everything that he has done I have been by his side and here he is. The one turning against me and I just don't know what to do" lexi said as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Her head was a mess.

"Max is a mess, and I know that he is your brother but look at everything that he has done, to Leigh, he hurt her and he broke her heart. I don't think he will ever be able to love, and I feel for Leigh and that baby but she deserves better. He tried to split us lexi, I know you love him and he is your brother but there is something wrong with him. He pushes everyone away" Tom said

Lexi looked to Tom and smiled as she rested here had into his neck and sighed

"I know, it's a mess and I'm sick of being there for Him, I love him and he is my brother but he doesn't care over Leigh or the baby and it doesn't seem that he cares about me at all so I am done. I am done trying to be there for him so from now on it's jut us, it's you and me" she said as Tom looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her.

She kissed him back and moaned into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, he was on top of her, he ran his hands up her thighs as her hands went through his hair as she moaned into the kiss as they stripped off. She moaned as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her.

Lexi ran her hands down his back and pulled him to her as she felt herself reach her high. She soon followed him as he pulled out of her and smiled as he held her close in his arms. He just wanted it to be them and no one else right now


Lexi frowned as she answered her flat door and saw Leigh. She looked to her and frowned

"hey, do you want to come in?" Lexi asked as Leigh looked to her and shock her head

"no, I am leaving town and I just wanted to say goodbye" Leigh said as Lexi looked to her and frowned. She was in shock and she couldn't believe what she was hearing

"what, you can't leave Leigh" lexi said as Leigh looked to her and smiled

"it's for the best I can't stay around here with max being how he is, and I just can't, I love you and your my best friend and no matter what il one here besides your still auntie Lexi, Ill call you" Leigh said as she hugged Lexi and walked off. Lexi looked after her and frowned asking herself what had just happened.

Lexi has no idea over tithe reason that Leigh left and how it was because Tom had paisley her to leave and once Lexi learnt the truth it would blow up big time


Lexi sat in the bathroom and sighed. She felt numb that Leigh was gone. Lexi held a pregnant test in her hands.

Lexi was scared. She was feeling off for the past few day's and she was scared to have another baby after Rosie and how she had lost her and even more how it drove her and Tom apart.

Lexi looked down at the pregnancy test and paled as she saw it was positive. She didn't know what to do. She felt so alone and scared.

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