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Lexi knew how things were a mess. She felt like she and Tom weren't going to work out. She felt alone and she was pregnant.

Tom wasn't talking to her at all. He avoided her at work. And he never replied to her texts or anything. She didn't know where she stood with their relationship.

Lexi felt as though she was the one in the wrong. That she had been the one to take their daughter's money and give it to her ex.

She didn't know where she stood. She wasn't too sure on what was going to happen with the baby if she and Tom hadn't sorted out their issues by the time she gave birth.

Lexi was still staying with Leigh. She knew that she felt as though it was hard. She missed Tom. But she knew that things weren't working between them.

Max had told her he would give her the money back for the baby. But she couldn't do that. She couldn't take his money.

She felt as though it was too much. She knew she had money. But she felt like it wasn't enough for the baby. She needed to get the pushchair, the cot. And everything else the baby needed.

All she knew was that her head was a mess. And she didn't know what to do in order to fix it. And make it all seem okay.

Morning came all too quickly. Lexi rolled over and sighed. She slipped out of bed and left the bedroom.

Leigh and Max were there. Max smiled. "Decided to take my offer?" He asked.

Lexi shook her head. "No. You have your own family to provide for," she told him.

Max rolled his eyes. He looked to her. "Lexi. I have more money then I do sense. And Esmè has everything she needs," he told his sister.

"Max. I can't."

"Yes you can."

Leigh looked to Max and smiled. "She's too proud. She's like you. So you need to stop pressuring her into taking money from you."

Max groaned. "What's the point in having money if I can't help my own sister and my niece?" He said, looking between the two women.

Lexi smiled. "I appreciate it. But I need to get everything for the baby. And it's not right," she said.

Max rolled his eyes again. "I can help you. I don't want it back either. Lexi. Come on."

"Max. No. You're my brother. You don't need to be buying me anything," Lexi said.

Lexi went into work with Leigh. Max had taken the day off to spend with Esmè. Lexi saw Tom and sighed. "I need to ask him for the money for the baby stuff. And I don't want to. We're not talking at all. Literally not talking," she said.

"Even if you're not talking, he should still help you. I mean, you didn't get yourself pregnant. And despite things, he should still help you," Leigh told her.

Lexi walked over to Tom and sighed. "Look. I don't want to argue. But I need you to help pay for the baby stuff. I would have done it by now. But your ex fleeced us," she told him.

Tom rolled his eyes. "You don't want to argue. But that's what you start with?" He said.

Lexi looked to him. "I'm sorry. But I have nothing for the baby. And you should be helping. Max offered to help."

"Have his help then. Lex, I'm broke. I'm barely getting by," Tom said as he turned and walked off.

Lexi was sitting in the staff room. She felt as though everything was falling apart. She was scared that she was going to be a crap mum. Especially as she had nothing for her baby.

But she had no idea that as she sat there close to tears, Tom was having his own struggles. And he was close to breaking point.

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