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Lexi couldn't help but worry that Davina had been lying to Tom about the whole child thing. She knew there had to be more to it than what she thought. She knew Tom wasn't the type to not be there for a child had he known about it.

Lexi sighed as she opened her eyes. She saw Tom lying in bed next to her. He smiled. "Morning beautiful. You okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay. I'm just tired. But I love you. I love your handsome face."

"That was really cringe. You know that right?" He said as he kissed her lips gently.

Lexi pulled him on top of her. He pulled down her thong and pushed into her. Lexi moaned as she arched her back.

Tom pushed in deeper. Lexi wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him against her. Tom felt himself filling her up.

The two of them both released their loads. He pulled out and collapsed down next to her. Lexi sighed as she looked to him. "What are we going to do? About Davina and the kid she's claiming is yours?" She asked.

"I'll deal with that tomorrow. We've got a day off. So I figured we could chill. I'll pop out to get us some food in," Tom said as he kissed her.

Lexi nodded and smiled. She cuddled into him. But she just couldn't help but worry that Davina was going to come between them.

Lexi had just made some lunch when the doorbell rang. She opened it and smiled. "Wow. You have Esmè," she said as she saw her brother.

Max nodded. "Yeah. Leigh has an appointment today. So I offered to have her. We've been to the park."

Lexi grinned and nodded. "I bet Kim isn't happy about it."

"Frankly Kim can sod off. This time I've had with my daughter has been amazing. I want to have her in my life. I want Leigh back too."

Lexi smiled. She took her niece from Max and grinned. "Auntie Lexi has missed her favourite little girl!"

Esmè blinked and babbled as she looked to her. Lexi looked to Max. "Level with me. Did you have sex with Leigh?" She asked as she looked to him.

Max shrugged. "If you're asking if Leigh and I exchanged energy by sexual acts then yes," he said.

Lexi smirked and nodded. She looked to him. "I always preferred you with her. She was always nice."

Max rolled his eyes but smiled. He looked to his sister. "You're a brilliant dad Max. I don't understand why you didn't stick around. Seeing you with Esmè. It's beautiful."

Max smiled. "I know. Kim changed me. I wanted a better life then what we had for my child. And yet I walked away from her."

Tom walked into the house. He smiled as he saw Lexi sitting there with Max. "Hey."

"Hey. Babe, Max has brought Esmè to me. She loves her favourite auntie Lex."

"You're her only auntie."

Max shrugged. "Actually. Leigh has a sister that she's never seen. So she technically has two aunties," he said.

Lexi rolled her eyes. "Therefore I am her favourite. I'm the one who sees her everyday. And Leigh is my best friend. Therefore I have the rights to ultimate auntie pass," she told them.

Tom smirked. He looked to her. "I think you're a little loopy. You're amazing though. I genuinely do think you're amazing."

"Come on Esmè. Let's go and leave these two lovebirds to it. We'll take you back to mummy," Max said as he picked Esmè up.

Lexi sighed as she sat in bed. She was waiting for Tom who was making them pizza. His phone went off signalling a text. She saw it was Davina.

Lexi read the text and sighed. Davina was threatening to take him to court for child support.

Lexi knew that Davina was trying to come between her and Tom. But would it work?

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