Chapter 1

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Dove pov

Im on the set of Descendants 2 with the others actors and actresses, me and the others are sitting in a circle while Kenny introduce the other new actor and actress that will be working with us. I honestly was excited but I was in the middle of thinking something that only Sofia and Cam know, its a secret that I didnt talk much about cause I was scared. Anyways I was in the middle of thinking when Sofia broke my thoughts for putting her hand on my shoulder Hey , you ok ? Are you thinking about it again ? she ask and I nodded slowly , she sigh Dove , I told you to stop thinking about it . Besides youre not in his apartment right now , youre here with all your friends aka your family and were about to meet the new people we will be working with and Kenny needs them to feel welcome but if you keep thinking about it then Im sure that Kenny will complain also Im sure that you dont want him to know. So please ? Just this once ? she ask while putting her hands together and beg me while giving me her cute little puppy eyes which I couldnt resist . Fine , but Sof Im scared. What if he hurt me again and maybe even worst ? I just couldnt live in a same apartment with him while he is over there making out with his others bitch and you know what will happen when I didnt listen to him . I said with worried in my voice , Sofia was about to reply when Kenny came into the room Ok guys , Im going to introduce you to these three new people who will be working with us . First , we have playing Uma daughter of Ursula please welcome China Anne Mcclain ! Kenny said and Cam immediately jump up and ran towards her giving her a big hug , everyone laugh Hello to you too , Cam . she said as she hug back and turn to everyone else Hey , everyone . Im very excited to be working with you all hope we get along . she said and sit besides Booboo . Ok next we have playing Gil son of Gaston welcome Dylan Playfair ! Kenny said and everyone clap . After Dylan said his speech And the last but not the least playing Harry son of Captain Hook please welcome Thomas Doherty ! after Kenny said that a beautiful tall man walk up the stage he has the most beautiful smile I have ever seen and I can also see his beautiful blue ocean eyes . Oh stupid brain , why are you thinking that ? You have a boyfriend who is currently a jerk and a monster towards you I thought . Hey , everyone I really wish we could be friends and work well together . Oh he had a Scottish accent , very beautiful . Ok everyone im giving you guys 10 minutes to get to know each other , have fun . Kenny said and walk out . Cam sits besides me I saw you were staring at Thomas when he came out . he said smirking and I glare at him Stop , I wasnt staring at him ok ? Besides I have a boyfriend . I said as I whisper the last part Yeah , a boyfriend who is a total jerk and a monster towards you . Come on Dove , you doesnt deserves this what you deserves is having your own happy life and base on how you were staring at Thomas I see is love at first sight . Also just break up with that jerk already . he said and I sigh You know I cant break up with him , Cam . If I do then he will hurt me and not just me my family too and I dont want that . I said looking down Fine but if that jerk do anything to hurt you just let me know I will beat him up he said and I giggle I know you will , thanks Hey , Dove right ? I look up to see Thomas standing in front of me and Cam . Cam look at me and smirked Im going to go talk to Dylan , you two have fun . he said getting up and just left me there alone speechless . Well looks like its just me and Thomas now .

Hey guys ! So I thought about making a Domas story , hope you guys like it !

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