chapter 6

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Dove pov

The next morning I woke up at my own bed to see that Thomas had crash on the couch , I couldn't help but think he's cute when he's sleeping .


" Come on , let bring you back home to rest . I'll tell Kenny that you're not feeling well . " Thomas said as he carry me brytal style to his car and place me in the passenger sit . He sits beside me and begin to drive to my house . I give him the keys to unlock the door and we went in . " You must be tired , come on I'll tuck you in . " He said and I nodded as we walk to my bedroom . He tuck me in and kiss me on the forehead before saying " Get some sleep , I'll come pick you up in the morning to go to the doctor's . " He said and was about to leave but I pull onto his hand lightly " Please stay . I don't want to be alone . " I whispered and he turn around as he give me a small smile " Of course , I just crash on the couch . " He said and he lay down on the couch next to me " Good night , wee Chlo . " He said before closing his eyes falling asleep . Hmmm ' wee Chlo ' that's new .

End of flashback

" Morning . " Thomas said as he sit up straight to look at me " Morning " I said back and he walks over to me as he gets under the cover " I can make you breakfast if- " Thomas said but I cut him off " I'm sorry , Thomas I'll like it really but the doctor told me not to eat anything before the operation . " I said frowning " Oh okay then I'm sorry . How are you feeling ? Be honest . " He ask turning around to face me and I sigh " I'm trying to stay cool but it would have been better if this hadn't happened at all . I'll gonna end it and maybe one day i'll be able to get over it with you by my side of course . " I said and he smile " Ok well if you're not eating anything then neither will I . " He said

Skip to the hospital

I currently now laying on the operation bed " Is this the conscious sedation ? " I ask and the nurse nodded " Yes it is , don't worry Ms Cameron this is a routine operation . It will be done before you can feel it . " She said and I began to have second thoughts .

Thomas pov

I was waiting for Dove outside the lobby when suddenly she runs out crying " Thomas... " She said and I quickly stand up " Is it done already ? " I ask clearly shocked a little bit cause operation never ended so fast . " I couldn't do it Thomas . I got up and left . " She said and she run to me and hug me tightly while crying on my shirt " I'm so sorry . " She whispered . I pull back from the hug but still holding her hands in mine " Don't apologize , it is didn't feel right it just didn't . " I said " Thank you for understanding . " She said and let out a sigh " Listen let's go to my place and sort things out there ok ? You need to rest and eat first . " I suggested and she nodded .

At Thomas apartment ( in the living room )

We were sitting on the couch it was a comfortable silence but I need to know if she is ok so I decided to break the silence " Are you feeling any better ? " " Thomas listen , you were right when you said I shouldn't rush this decision . When I call the doctor for the abortion I did it mechanically . I really hadn't consider keeping it . " She said almost crying " Chlo... " I said softly wanting to hug but she cut me off " No please let me finish . When I saw the nurse holding that injection everything suddenly froze inside me and I couldn't do it . It sound weird but I felt like I already love this baby...and I need it . " She finish and started to cry a little but she quickly wipe it off before it falls , I take her hand that was on her lap and squeeze it " I understand . But I just need to know one thing . Are you sure you are ready to be a mother ? This is something that will change your life forever . " I said " I dont care , I suddenly feel absolutely ready for it . But I really don't want to do this alone . And even if I tell Ryan I'm 100% sure he won't want it and just tell me to get an abortion which I will not do ever again . " She said and that is when she couldn't hold her tears in anymore she started crying and I quickly went to her and hug her tightly " Hey , who said anything about you doing this alone ? I'm not going anywhere , Chlo . And I never met Ryan but he doesn't deserve to be call a father and he definitely doesn't deserve this child that you're carrying . He's a total jerk who treats you horribly . But now let's not think about that monster when you are already very stress ok ? " I said rubbing her back and she pull back facing me " Thank you . You done so many things to help me and I didn't return it . " " You didn't have to . I will always stay by your side and this child too . I am never leaving I promise . " I said and she smile " Thanks , Tommy . " She said and I smile too " Tommy huh ? That's new . " I said and she blush " If you don't like it I can always call you back Thomas . " " No , I love it . Wee Chlo . " I said and she giggled making me chuckled . I love seeing her happy she truly deserve it . " You're beautiful when you're giggling . " I said and she stop and now we're currently making eye contact . We both started leaning in when suddenly there is a loud bang on the door .

Chapter 6 ! Hey guys , I'm going to tell you that maybe I'll not updating a few days after this chapter because apparently school is reopening so I need to get ready . Anyways enjoy and happy new year 🎉 ! 💗💗💙

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