chapter 3

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Dove pov

I went in to see that jerk making out with one of his bitch , I just roll my eyes and decided to went into my room but before I could take a step in he call out to me making me stop " Hey , bitch where were you the pass few days ?! Don't think I didn't notice cause I did ! " He shouted and I turn around " I was at my mother house ok ? I still have something to do so just don't bother me and just continue to do whatever you're doing ! " I yell rolling my eyes and was about to went into the room but was stop when Ryan pull my hand hashly " What did I say about using that tone to talk to me ? And for rolling your eyes ? You disrespect me today so you're gonna be punished ! " He said as he pull me into his bedroom , I widened my eyes " No ! Let me go ! I'm sorry , I will not do it again . Please just let me go ! " I said trying to get out of his grip but he's too strong " No I will not let you go . I have warn you once but you clearly didn't listen so you're going to get it ! " He said as he push me on the bed and ripped off all of my clothes " No ! Please , I'm sorry ! " I yell wanting to get up from his bed and run out to find anyone that could help me but he already take off all of his clothes and just pinned me to the bed and smirk " This is going to be fun . " He said and started to I don't even want to said it . I try so hard to get off from his grip but he is too strong for me , I keep trying didn't want to give up but every time I move he will slap me hard on the cheek , after a few minutes I just pass out on the bed . The next morning , I wake up with bruises all over me I slowly stand up to make sure that the monster is not here and luckily he's not . I look myself at the mirror and I look horrible and my head is spinning feel like I'm going to pass out again . I quickly put on my clothes and call an Uber to drive me to the descendants 2 set . I need help .

Thomas pov

Me and the others are waiting for Dove to show up but it's already been 1 hour . I couldn't wait anymore so I just call her but she won't pick up her phone " Where is she ?! " I ask shouted making everyone jump up " I'm sorry , I'm just very worried you know . And I just got this feeling that I could not lose her . " I explain and everyone nodded in understanding " We know . It's ok . We are all very worried too . " Kenny said patting my shoulder . After other 5 minutes finally there is someone at the door , I quickly stand up from my spot and ran towards the door . And I saw something I never thought I would see in my while life . Dove she has bruises all over her face , arm and leg . She look very pale and was about to pass out . I ran towards her and help her balance properly" Chlo , what happen to you ? " I said softly and she just look up and give me a small smile " T-Thomas . H-help m-me . " She said and she pass out in my arms . I try to wake her up but she won't move so I just carry her brytal style and take her to the others . When everyone saw me they were shocked . They ran towards me and Dove " What happen to her ?! " Sofia ask and I just shake my head " I dont know , when I went out I saw she have all of this bruises all over her and she just pass out in my arms . " I said and out her down on the couch " I call the ambulance , there on their ways here . " Booboo said and I just nodded . I look back at Chloe and just sits besides her and hold her hand tightly " Please hang in there , Chlo . I can't lose you . " I whisper . After about 4 minutes the ambulance finally arrive " Um I'm sorry but only one person can follow . " The nurse said and I look at the crew " You go ahead Thomas . We meet you there . " Cam said and I nodded and went into the ambulance with Chole . And after about 3 hour the doctor finally came out . All of us run towards her " How is she ? " I ask with worried in my voice " She will be fine , but there are some news that you're not gonna like . " She said making everyone worried even more " It's ok just tell us , what happen to her ? " China said and the doctor sigh " She was rapped . " She said and everyone was shocked " No no no , this cannot be happening . I should just let her stay at mine place . " Sofia blame herself and Cam just go and clam her down " It's not your fault , she won't blame you . " Cam said but I just look at the doctor " What room is she in ? " I ask calmly but kinda angry too " In room 562 " she said and without other word I just ran towards room 562 . I went in and saw her sleeping . I slowly walks towards her and sit besides her as she started she scream . She was having s nightmare " No , please ! I'm sorry please let me go . I won't do it again ! Please ! " She scream and I started to have tears in my eyes , I quickly take her hand and squeeze it " Hey , Chlo . It's ok I'm here , you're safe . Whoever he is he's not here , I going to protect you . " I whispered and she slowly open her eyes " T-Thomas ? " she ask and I nodded " Yeah , it's me . It's ok you're safe . " I said and she started crying I pull her into a hug and cry on my shirt " Shhh , it's ok . I'm here . Nobody's going to hurt you . " I whispered again and she pull back " I'm scared . I should have just stay at Sofia's . " She said blaming herself but I just stroke her hair with my one hand " It's not your fault . Whoever do that to you is his . So don't blame yourself ok ? And when I fine out who he is I'm going to beat him up . " I said and she nodded .

Dove pov

" And when I fine out who he is I'm going to beat him up . " He said and I just nodded . I feel bad for not telling him my secret , but he can't know he will leave my side for that and I have this feeling that I can't lose him . So I'm going to find the right time to tell him .

Chapter 3 ! Enjoy ! 💗

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