chapter 7

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Thomas pov

We quickly pull away and I look at her " Who could that be ? " I ask and she shrugged . I stand up and walk towards the door when I open it , it reveal a tall man almost like the same age as me but I don't know him at all " Um may I help you ? " I ask and the guy was going to reply when Chloe appears behind me " Thomas , who is it ? " She ask looking at me but when she turn to the door she immediately eyes widened and started to step back " Chlo ? " I ask " R-Ryan , what are y-you d-doing here ? " Ryan ? As in her evil boyfriend who treated her horribly ? I look back at the door " Hey bitch , long time no see . Where have you been ? " He ask clearly very angry and I just want to punch him in the face right now , how dare he call Chlo a bitch ? " I'm sorry but i think you need to leave " I said wanting to close the door but he step inside " You have no right to kick me out . " He said pointing a finger at me " I'm sorry but for your information this is my house so I do have every right to kick you out . " I said " I am not leaving until I get that bitch to come home with me ! " He shouted and I just punch him in the face making him fall down to the ground " Don't you ever call her a bitch ! Do you get me ?! I don't even understand how can you still be standing here walking around you should be in jail for what you have done to Chloe ! " I shouted and he started to act very confuse like he doesn't know what I was saying " What are you saying ? What I've done to Dove ? " He ask and I chuckled " Don't act all innocent , Ryan . Dove have told me what you've done to her . And do you really don't know what she have been through all this time ? " I ask as I look at Dove with worried in my eyes and then back at Ryan " What do you mean ? Is this bitch been walking around cheating on me . She's the one that should go to jail not me ! " He said and earn a punch from me the second time " Don't you talk about her like that . She is the most kind , beautiful and perfect human being on earth . You totally don't deserve her . And let me remind you what you have done to her shall we ? First is you're the one who cheated on her not Dove and when she found out she was going to break up with you but you threaten her say if she trying to break up with you again you will hurt not only her but her friends and family too . Then one day she disobey you so you take that day to RAPPED her ?! WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU ? And there is one more thing you should know but I dont have any right to tell you so I'm going to let Dove tell you . " I said as I turn around to see Chloe have her arm wrap around her body and she shaking a bit , I slowly walks towards her and bring her to my ambrace " It's ok , Chlo . I'm here he is not going to hurt you . Now do you want to tell him ? " I ask softly and she pull back looking into my eyes and nod slowly as she turn back to that jerk . As she was preparing what she was about to say I pull her close to me by her waist to make her calm a bit " After you r-rapped me , I f-found o-out that I was p-pregnant . " After she was finish she immediately stand behind me I look at her then back the jerk " So anything to say ? " I ask and he stood up from the ground wiping off the dust from his shirt " All I have to say is when that baby is born I'm going to take it away from you and I'm going to take all the custody . I will make sure that MY child won't know that his or her mother was a ugly , annoying little bitch ! " He said and stormed out the door . When he slammed the door shut I immediately turn my attention to Dove . She have tears in her eyes " What am I going to do , Thomas ? I know he mean it every word he said and he will not give up until he gets this baby and I don't want that to happen . I know I have decided to get rid of it before but I can't lose it I already love it with all of my heart and I can't imagine a life without him or her in my life . " She said crying and I hug her tightly as she cry into my shirt " I'm not going to let that jerk hurt you and your baby I'll make sure of that . Now for the time being how about you stay here until I figure how to get that jerk in jail yeah ? " I said softly and she smile a bit " I would love that . " She said

Dove pov

" I would love that . " I said as I smile a bit . He always been by my side when nobody have , he's always support me and take care of me and this baby even if its not his . He nodded " Now come on , you need some sleep its been a long day . " He said as carry me brytal style and bring me to his bedroom . He put me down on the bed and sit beside me " I heard you saying i'm the most kind , beautiful and perfect human being on earth , do you mean that ? " I ask as I look up at him and he smile " Of course I do . Don't listen any of that jerk say cause it is not true at all . And I know this isn't the right time but Chlo I like you a lot . I think I might even love you . " He confessed . Thomas had just confessed his feeling to me . " Thomas , I like you too I really do but I think it's better when me and Ryan officially broke up first then maybe we can start dating . Cause I think it's only fair . " I said and he give me a small smile " I understand . I just want you to know that I will wait for you , Chlo . And I will always stay by yours and your baby side . " He said and I smile " Thank you . " " Of course , now get some sleep I am not leaving until you fall asleep . Besides you have a doctor appointment tomorrow at 9 o'clock . " He said and I nodded as I started to close my eyes falling asleep but not until I hear something I never thought I would hear " Good night wee Chlo . I love you . " Thomas whispered in my ear as he stroke my hair gently .

Chapter 7 ! Hey guys , so first I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately cause I have school and I need to catch up with all of my homework and second Sofia Carson have posted her new song call Loud . If some of you guys haven't listen to it better go and listen right now it is amazing and please show her some love and support she truly deserve it . Anyway bye guys , love you ❤️ .

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