chapter 8

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Dove pov

I woke up in the middle of the night , I saw Thomas is crashing on the couch beside me so I just slowly get up and look out from the window enjoying the beautiful night time view . I have my arms wrapped around my body since it was a little cold . I look down at my shomach and sigh then back to the view . It was a comfortable silence when suddenly I feel someone from behind me " Chlo ? What are you doing up ? It's cold , here take this . " Thomas said softly as he take a jacket and put it around me from behind . He guide me to the bed and sits beside me " What are doing up at this time ? " He ask " I can't sleep and there is a lot going in my mind right now . " I said and he nodded " Well if you can't sleep what do you want to do ? " " I honestly don't know . I just want to sit down here and think . " I said and Thomas gently push back my shoulder to make me lay down on the bed " Well lay down and think if you sit up for too long I scare you will pass out . " He said and I giggled a bit making him chuckled " Tommy , will this baby ever have a father ? " I ask looking at him and he sigh " You know I can't answer that , Chlo but believe me with or without a father this child will going to have the best mom ever and a best happy life . " He said and I smile " Thanks " I said and started to yawn a bit and he chuckled " Looks like someone is tired , well get some sleep . You're gonna need it for tomorrow's appointment . " he said as he tuck me in as I started to close my eyes .

The next morning
Thomas pov

I woke up the next morning seeing Chloe still sleeping so I decided to let her sleep a bit more while making her breakfasts . When I was done preparing the food I walk back upstairs to see Chloe sitting on the bed rubbing her eyes just waking up " Morning " I said and she look back and me and smile " Morning " " Come on go brush your teeth I have some new toothbrush in the cupboard under the sink when you're done come downstairs . " I said " But I don't want to eat " she whine and I thought it kinda cute " Chlo , you need to eat . Remember there is still a little human growing inside of you . " I said and she sigh " Fine . Wait me downstairs . " She said and I nodded . After a few minutes I heard her coming down from the stairs . We were now currently sitting at the table eating breakfast " So you nervous ? For the appointment . " I ask and she look up at me " A little . " She said and I raise my eyebrows " Ok , a lot . It my first time ok ? " She said and I chuckled a bit " Its ok , no need to be nervous I'm sure everything's fine . " I said and she smile at me which I return . After finishing breakfast , we get dress and went to the hospital .
Dove pov

When we reach at the hospital I was super duper nervous maybe not nervous but scare . I scare that what if something happened or something is wrong with the baby and it's all my fault or maybe that the baby is not healthy . I was back in reality when the nurse call my name " Dove Cameron ? " Me and Thomas quickly stand up and went in before there are anyone regonise us or maybe paparazzi . Anyways we went in and was greeted by a doctor name Dr Lopez . She looks kinda nice " So Dove right ? " She ask and I nodded " Ok well so here it's say you are here for an ultrasound . Correct ? " She ask and I nodded again " You don't talk much do you ? " She ask in kinda a rude way . Ok I take that back . Anyways I was about to burst out of anger but when I was about to reply Thomas put his hand on my shoulder I look up at him and he shake his head and I just sigh " Sorry , she just not feeling very well today . " Thomas said looking at the doctor and she just nodded . At least she didn't try to talk back . Anyways I went and lie down on the ultrasound bed and the doctor take some kind of machine and push beside me . She take some kind of gel and put it on my shomach " This is going to be cold . " She said as Thomas sits besides me and take my hand in his I don't know why but I can feel myself blushing . The doctor take like a wand thing and start scanning around my shomach until it stop on a like a little tiny bean . " What is that ? " I ask and it kinda scare her a little I can tell " That is your baby " she said as she press a button on the machine " and that is your baby's heartbeat " she said and I listen carefully . Music to my ears . " Is there someway you can like record it and give it to me ? " I ask and she nodded as she handed me some tissues to wipe off the gel . After that , the doctor gave me the recorder which have the baby's heartbeat in it . I smile and thank her and we head out " You know I don't really like her . " I said and Thomas chuckled a bit I glare at him " It's not funny you know . She was rude . " I said and he hold up both of his hand in defence " Ok I'm sorry . So how are you feeling after the check up ? " " To be honest I feel great . The baby's heartbeat is like music to my ears . And thank you . " I said as I look at him he look back at me confuse " For what ? " " For stoping me from getting rid of it . Cause I know if I really get rid of it I know I'm going to regret it my whole life . And now..... " I said as place my hand on my still flat shomach and smile " I can't imagine a life without it . " I said and I look back at him he was smiling . " And i'm glad I can help . And since today is a good day how about we celebrate . " He said and stand infront of me " Go on a date with me ? " He said and I was shock " What ? Thomas I thought I said - " He cut me off " I know you said I should wait until you broke up with Ryan but please just this one date and I will wait . Promise . " He said and I smile " Fine " I said and he jump up and down like a child " Yes ! I promise you this will be the best date you have been to . " He said as I giggled . I can't wait .

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