chapter 9

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Thomas pov

I am now in my house planning the best date for Chloe . She is out with Sofia today so it will give me time to prepare but I can't do this alone . Should I ask the descendants cast to help ? Yeah I think I should I just give Booboo a call . I take my phone and call Booboo " Hello ? " He ask " Hey man . " " Oh Thomas hey . Why did you call ? " " Okay umm can you and Cam come by to my house by any chance ? " I ask hopefully he got time " Yeah sure but what for ? " " I tell you when you get here . Oh and bring Sarah too . " Sarah would probably be a great help other than those two . " Ok sure . Be there in 10 . " " Ok thanks . " Now is to wait . 10 minutes later I hear a knock on my front door . I open it and saw Booboo , Cam and Sarah . I smile " Hey guys come on in . " They came in and sat on the couch " So what's the matter ? " Sarah ask crossing her leg on the couch , I clear my throat " Well I don't know how to say it so I just get to the point . " I took a deep breath " I decided to bring Chloe for a date . And I don't know what to do so I need your guy's help . " I said quickly and suddenly they jump up and down startle me " Yes ! Took you long enough . " Cam shouted and I turn confuse Sarah giggled " We know you had a crush on Dove for a really long time , we're just waiting for you to ask her out . " " Yeah , but you better don't hurt her like what that jerk did you understand ? " BooBoo said while pointing at me . He has been very protective over Chloe since what Ryan did to her , I  can't blame him Chloe has always been Boo's little sister . I nodded " Don't worry I won't . " I said and he nodded as everyone sit back down " Ok , now date plan . " Sarah said as she put her fingers under her chin thinking " Stay at home watch a romantic movie ? You know Netflix and chill ? " Boo ask and I refuse " I want something special not stay at home all day . Besides I want something that not all couples do . " I said and they nodded .  " Take a hike ? " Cam suggested and we look at him like he's crazy " Take a hike ? Seriously Cam ? She's pregnant you idiot ! " Boo said as he slightly hit him in the back of the head and Sarah laugh while I'm getting a little frustrated " Come on you guys , stop fooling around and give me ideas . I promise I pick Chloe up at 4 and I still need to prepare . " " Ok ok calm down . How about a nice , quiet and calm picnic at the beach ? While watching the sunset ? And maybe you can sing a song for her . She loves song especially songs about love . " Sarah said and I immediately hug her " Thank you thank you thank you ! You're a life saver better then those two . " She giggled as the boys gasped in offence . Sarah pat my back " You're welcome . Now go you don't want to waste anymore time right ? " She said " Right . Again thank you . " I said as I went to my room and change into a more comfortable clothing but not after hearing " Hey we're not done talking here ! " Cam shouted and I chuckled as I start to prepare for the date . Hope everything goes well .

Dove pov

I'm currently at Sofia's house hanging out while Thomas prepare for our date . " So what's actually going on with you and Thomas ? " Sofia ask smirking and I look at her shock " Where did this even come from ? " I ask " Don't change the subject Dove Cameron . Answer it . " She said and I sigh " Nothing , ok ? We're just friends . Very good friends . " She raised an eyebrow " Well doesn't seem like Thomas think that way . Or else why would he bring you on a date ? " She said and I look at her " Is a one time thing ok ? Beside he promise me after this date he will wait until I officially broke up with Ryan then we will go on who knows how many . " I said and Sofia take my hand in hers' " Thomas is a kind , passionate , talented ,  handsome young man . And smart , so smart maybe to smart for his own good but as long as he is better than Ryan right ? And I saw how you guys look at each other it's very obvious that you like each other you just haven't realized it yet so don't try to ignore it .  You finally have a change to feel love again so embrace it . Don't miss this chance or I swear you're gonna regret it . " She said in a matter soft manner . I sigh " You're not gonna stop until we're together right ? " I ask and she giggled " Yup , you can't get away that easily . Not in my watch . Now lets call the girls and get you ready a date with your ' Tommy ' " She said and act how I usually call Thomas . I blush as she laugh and call the girls . A few minutes later , someone ring the doorbell " It must be the girls I'll go get them . " Sofia said as she went to open the door . " Who's ready for a makeover ? " All the girls shouted and I laugh . I'm so lucky to have friends like them .

Thomas pov

The date is all set up thanks to the boys . Right now I'm looking in the mirror after I got dressed , but I still didn't think I looked just right . So I pulled out my sterling silver watch , my black shoes and a silver necklace chain that I polished to perfection before wearing. I thought to myself, 'that did the trick'. After I was dressed I went back into the bathroom so I could brush my teeth and comb my hair. I then went to pick up Chloe but not without buying her favourite flower first . When I got to Sofia's house I knocked on her door and she answered it . " Thomas , you're here early . I thought you're picking her up at 4 ? " She ask " Yeah , well I thought I could pick her up early so we could spend some more time together . " I said and chuckled nervously . " Awwww , that's sweet . But she isn't ready yet the girls are putting some final touches to it . Do you mind waiting a little ? " " Oh no , of course not . I'll wait . Take your time . " I said and she smile while letting me into the house . This was the first time I've ever seen Sofia's house " Feel free to look around I go see if she's ready . " She said and I nodded .  After about five minutes I heard someone calling my name " Thomas ? " I turn around and my eyes widened . There she was her eyes shined like a glossy pearl just washing on a shore of black sand with the warm rays of the sun shining down on it . Lips of bright cherry red went well with the black dress she was wearing . The light hit her just right so you could see every luscious curve of her body . She smelled like an ocean breeze coming in to the shore. Just try to imagine the perfect most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life . Absolute perfection . " Is bad to stare you know . " I heard China said while smirking . I immediately blush . I walk towards Chole " Beautiful . " I whisper maybe a little too loud . She giggled " Thanks . You don't look too bad yourself . " I chuckled " So ready to go ? " I ask as I gave her the flowers I bought earlier . She took it in her hands " Ready . " She said as we start walking to my car " Have fun ! " We heard the girls shouted and we laugh . 

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