chapter 2

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Dove pov

Great ! Now is just me and the one and only Thomas Doherty ! Ugh I'm so screwed ! " Um Dove ? You ok ? " Great , now I've been zoning out ! I smile at him " Yeah , everything's fine . " Omg Chloe , you're such a bad liar ! He smile and sit by my side " That's good , so what did you Cam talking about just now ? " He ask and that is the moment I need to come up with a good lie I can't let him know my secret he won't be my friend anymore if I tell him besides I only know him like about a few hours ago . " Oh nothing just some random high school stuff , very boring . " I ask and lucky for me he believes it " Oh ok . So actually it's my first time having to work with all of the person I don't really know much so maybe you could give me some you know..... " " Advice ? " I ask finishing his sentence . He nodded . " Well actually there is not much advise I can give you all I can say is be yourself cause everyone here is very very nice . When we were filming descendants 1 we became friends in like 2 hours and it feels like we know each other for ages . " I said laughing and he laugh with me " I can see that . Thank you . " He said and I was going to reply when Kenny came back into the room " Ok everyone I  hope you guys are having a great friend relationship but we need to start recording . So Dove , Sofia , Cam and Booboo I need you guys to record ways to be wicked and Thomas , China and Dylan I need you guys to record what's my name . So everyone ready ? " He ask and everyone nodded " Good luck . " I hear Thomas said to me and I look back at him and smile " Thanks , you too . " And by that we went our separate ways to start recording . Omg I wish this day wouldn't have to end , I just want to sit beside Thomas and just talk about random stuff . I don't know why but when he sits besides me I already felt safe even though he didn't hug me or something . God Dove , get a grip of yourself ! You have a boyfriend ! And that is when I started to think about what Cam says before he left me alone with Thomas . Do I really deserve happiness ? I think to myself " Dove . Dove ! " Sofia yell infront of my face and I was broke out if my thoughts " Yeah ? " I ask and she pull me up from the chair " Come on , we have to start recording . We don't want to keep Kenny waiting . " She said as she drag me to the recording room .

Few weeks later

A few weeks have pass and everything was going great for now . Me and Thomas are getting really close , and I don't need to stay with my monster boyfriend cause I've been staying with Sofia for now , good thing he haven't realised it yet probably because he is to busy out there making out with some random bitches and cheated on me . " Hey , Chlo so where are going to stay tonight ? " Sofia ask making me break out if my thoughts " Um I hate this but I'm going to stay at that jerk house for one night . " I said and Sofia look at me with her eyes widen "Are you sure ? I dont want you to get hurt by him again . " She said in her worried tone " I'm sure . I promise I will be fine if he ever does anything to me I will call you or maybe Thomas . " I said and then I realized I was blushing " Ohhh Thomas huh ? " She ask smirking and I immediately change looks " No ! Is not what you think it is . " I said and she nodded her " Yeah , yeah . I believe you . " She said as she winked at me and I definitely know that look . I roll my eyes . " Hey girls , what y'all doing ? " Thomas said walking towards us " Oh nothing just talking some girl stuff . Anyways I think Cam is calling me so I will be going now , have fun you two . " She said as she get up and before walking towards Cam which he absolutely didn't call her she winked at me the second time . I give her the ' don't leave me ' look but she is already gone . Great , first Cam now Sof they will definitely be the perfect couple . " Did Cam really call her ? " Thomas ask as he sits besides me . I shake my head " No , she is making an excuse so she could leave the two of us alone which is what Cam did a pass few weeks ago . " I said as I roll my eyes and he chuckled " Well looks like someone is in a mood . " He said and I just look at him " I'm not in the mood I just hate it when Sofia do that . " I said and he nodded " Alright , anyways where are you staying tonight ? At Sof ? " He ask and I shake my head " Nope , going to my boyfriend dorm for one night . " I said like there is a tear in my eyes " Oh I didn't know you have a boyfriend . " He said and I just look at him and I can see he has this a little disappointment in his eyes but why ? " Yeah , is not something I would like to brag . " I said " But I'm very curious if you have a boyfriend why do you always staying at Sofia's but not your boyfriend's ? " He ask and I immediately panic in the inside . I couldn't let him know . " I'm sorry , Thomas but I couldn't tell you . It's a secret which I have keep it in my mind for a long time now and I'm not ready . " I said wish he would understand . Then he give me a small smile " It's ok , I understand just tell me when you're ready . And just remember I won't judge you . " He said and I smile back . Why am I feeling so safe around him ? Like I can just do whatever I want around him . And he won't even forsed me to tell him which I am so grateful for . " Thanks , and it's getting late . I think I'm going now . Bye Thomas and again thank you . " I said as I stand up he stand up too and patted my head " Sure , it's was no biggie . Be careful when you're getting home ok ? " He said and I nodded and we went our separate ways . I get in my car and started driving towards Ryan's dorm . After about 10 minutes , I stop infront of his dorm room . I get out from the car and stand infront of his dorm room door . I took a deep breath before going inside .

Chapter 2 ! 💗

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