chapter 5

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Dove pov

" I decided to get an abortion so I'll set an appointment tomorrow morning-  " I said not really thinking and Thomas eyes widened as he cut me off " Chlo , don't rush this decision . This is your body and I'm not the one who's gonna tell you how to treat it but you should think about it well first . " He said and I just look at him " Why ? What would change if I did want to keep it ? " I ask and Thomas look at me and cupped my face in his hand " I know that deep down you want to and if you did I would be here for you , it's the least I can do for you . " He said and I just sigh " I already decided , I will book an appointment later . Maybe I will book it at tomorrow morning .  " I said and Thomas sigh " If that what you want then I will be there for you . I will never leave your side unless you tell me to . " He said and I give him a great full smile as I hug him and he hug me back . " Hey , remember the pass few days I started to comb your hair for no reason at all ? " He ask and I nodded " Yeah , how could I forget ? " " Well where is your hair brush ? " Thomas ask and I chuckled as I hug him tighter . It was a comfortable silence until someone knock on the door " Um hey Dove ? Kenny said we need to film the kiss scene again cause there is a little problem . " Mitch said through the door and I just take a pillow from the couch and scream . Thomas saw me and chuckled a little " What happen to you ? " I pull my head back from the pillow and look at Thomas " I don't want to kiss Mitch ! He is absolutely obsessed with me . And I don't feel comfortable around him not to mention i need to kiss ! " I said whispering but almost shouting towards Thomas " Well if you say it like that I dont really like Mitch anymore . So you go and film that part while I look after you from behind the camera to make you safe a bit more ? How does that sound ? " Thomas ask and I smile " It's sound great , thank you . " " No need to thank me . But remember if you feel dizzy or anything just call Kenny to shout cut and I will be there . I am not leaving your side ever ! " He said and I kiss his cheek and smile at him . There's no one who can break my heart like he can . After that talking me and Thomas walks towards my trailers door and open it to see Mitch still standing there shocked cause he didn't know that Thomas will be in here with me " What are you doing here ?! This Dove trailer , what have you done to her ?! " Mitch shouted as he pointed at Thomas and Thomas chuckled " You really think that I would hurt her ? And for your information is Chloe invited me in . " After Thomas said that Mitch give him a confuse look " Who is Chloe ? " Mitch ask and Thomas look at him shocked which is understandable cause I only tell my real name to the person I feel safe around and Mitch is not one of them . I whispered that into Thomas ear and he nodded as he look back at Mitch " Well looks like Dove didn't tell you her real name . Well then let me tell that Dove only tell her real name to the person she felt safe with which is not you . " Thomas said and I bit my lip smiling and Mitch become furious a bit " Whatever . But I am lucky to kiss Dove two during the movie and you can't get one . " Mitch said smirking and Thomas just chuckled again " For your information again is for the movie ok ? Non of the kiss is real . If Dove could do anything to avoid the kiss I know she would ok ? Now if you excuse us we must be going now . " Thomas said smirking as me and him started walking towards the set leaving Mitch there furious . As we were walking I said " I can't believe you said that to him . " " Well is his fault for being a jerk and just judge me without finding out why I'm in your trailer . Everyone knows that I won't hurt but apparently he dont know that . " He said and I look at him " Well I know that . " I said he smile at me " I know and thanks . Now come on you better film that part with Mitch which I wish I could just cover my eyes . " He said and I giggled . " And cut ! Great work everyone ! " Kenny shouted and I started getting really dizzy as I hold onto the set to keep me from falling down . " Hey Dove you ok ? " Mitch ask as he hold my arm and I'm trying to pull back but he is too strong " Yeah , I'm fine . Could you help me get Thomas ? " I ask and he shouted " Why is always him ?! " He ask and I become furious I was about to reply when I started to fall but a pair of strong arms pick me up brytal style " Hey Chlo , it's ok , you're ok . I'm here . Come on let's bring you back to your trailer to rest ok ? " Thomas said and I nodded leaning against his chest feeling safe in his arms but when Thomas started walking Mitch pull him back " What is wrong with her ? Did you do that to her ?! " Mitch ask and if it wasn't for me being dizzy I would punch him in the face right now . " Let . go . " Thomas said calmly and I could hear a little anger . After Thomas said that Mitch immediately pull back his hand and Thomas carry me to my trailer . After going in , he put me on the couch carefully and take a wet cloth to put it on my forehead and a glass of water " Come on drink this . " He said as he take the glass of water and slowly pick me up to help me drink the water after that I lay back down on the couch " Thanks . " I said and he nodded smiling . " Sure no worries . " " I didn't want to said this but I heard when you tell Mitch to let go you sounded calm but for me I could hear a little anger in them . Why ? " I ask while turning on my side to face him . He sigh " He was being a jerk . He clearly didn't know anything and started to judge and when I was running towards you I saw him holding your arm clearly hurting you . But I try my best to calm down cause I don't want you to see what I was like when I get angry it will scare you for sure . " He said and I slowly get up and take his hand in mine " You will never scare me , in fact you safe me there . You safe me twice and I'm grateful for it . " I said and he look at me and smile " So are you really thinking about it you know for tomorrow morning ? " He said and I sigh " I'm sure . The better I get it done the better . " I said and he nodded . He hug me and kiss me on the forehead as I hug him back .

Chapter 5 ! Enjoy 🙂💗❤️💕💖 .

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