chapter 11

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Thomas pov

" What are you doing here ? " I ask seriously . Out of all people why did he show up ? Our date its going on so well when he decided to show up and ruined everything . If this earth doesn't have any rules or police I will definitely kill him right here right now . " This beach is open for everyone , why couldn't I be here ? " He ask raising his eyebrows . " There's so many places of the beach you can go but you have to choose this one . Don't you have any other things to do ? Like I don't know kissing some random girls in your house ? Alone ? " Chloe said clearly annoyed . Ryan chuckle " Nah , we had our fun . You know its boring to had fun with the same girl . So I'm here to actually find a new one and didn't think I would bump into you two . " I shake my head with disappointment " You're sick , what type of a guy are you ? " " A fun one actually . " He looks down at Chloe's stomach " Now how's my baby doing in there ? " Chloe take a few steps back " That's non of your business . " Ryan looks back up " It is my business , its my baby too remember ? " He smirked . I feel like I want to throw up anytime .   " Come on , Chlo - " Ryan started but was cut off by Chloe " Don't . " She inhaled sharply " Call me that anymore . " He took a deep breath trying to calm down " Dove , I know you're not that kind of person to take a baby away from thier father . " He took a step closer and she took one back . How dare of him to say that the baby is his ? Yes , the baby has his blood but he didn't even stay by Chloe's side the whole time . Not only did he hit her he also say that he will take the baby away from Chloe . How dare he call himself a father ? I know she's scare of what Ryan would do so I stand in between them . " Don't get too close to her . If you want to say anything , say it now . " But before Ryan could open his mouth , Chloe start talking " I didn't say that I want to take my baby away from his' or her's father . I'm not a monster . You could still see them but not very often cause I don't want any of my child going near to a jerk like you . " She finish and pull my hand as we walks towards back my car . We get in and she sigh , she close her eyes and leans to the window resting her head on it , she has her arm wrap around her body protectively . I feel like she doesn't want to talk right now . So I start driving slowly to her house . As we reach in front of the main entrance , I found out that Chloe has fallen asleep . I move closer to her and shook her gently " Chlo ? We here . " I whispered . Her eyes fluttered open and give a small smile " Thanks . " She was about to get out of the car but I stop her by holding her wrist and not to hard to hurt her . I look at her with concerns  " You okay ? Do you want to talk about it ? " She smile " Maybe tomorrow , I'm tired . Thank you for the date by the way . It's amazing . " She said and kiss my cheek as she went out and into her house . I sigh .

Dove pov

I went into my house and sigh . I slide down the door and onto the floor . I have let a few tears slide down my cheek . Why do life have to be so difficult ? Can't I just be happy ? I look down at my stomach and put both of my hands on it as I whispered " Hey there , little one . I know you can't hear me right now but I'm sorry that you have to go through all of this with me . But I promise you that everything will be over soon . I will not let anyone harm you . I love you . " After that I went to take a relaxing shower but before I could get some sleep , I heard someone knocking on the door . I open the door and saw a very worried Thomas looking at me " Hey . " He gives me a sad smile but his sad smile soon turn into a shock one , and before I knew it his hand was on my cheek " Hey , what happen ? Have you been crying ? " He ask clearly very worried . And that is when I couldn't hold back anymore . I just burst out crying in front of him .

Thomas pov

I have no idea what's going on but I know for sure that something is bothering her . There is tears stain all over her face which obviously mean she cried . I held her close to me , let her cry into my shirt and said nothing . There was no need for me to tell her I love her , from the touch of my finger tips in her hair , I know she could feel that she was loved . I did not speak and she needed no words . After a few minutes she pull away " I'm sorry . I shouldn't have drag you into my life . And now you have to went through all of this because of me . " I cupped her face " What are you talking about ? I'm actually really happy to be in your life . I get to know you , hang out with you and most importantly I get to go to every doctor's appointment to see your child with you . I'm very lucky and grateful . " She smile and hug me " Thank you . For everything . " She whispered as I hug her back " You're welcome . " I smile . 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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