chapter 4

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Thomas pov

It's been one week and Dove finally can get out of the hospital " I really can't wait to get out of here , I hate it . " Dove said and I chuckled a bit " Yeah , it's horrible . " I said and when we were packing the doctor came in " Oh I see you're starting to pack . Well when you get back remember you will feel a bit dizzy but it's normal and when the other results are in I will call you . " The doctor said and we smile " Ok thanks , doc . " Dove said . After we are done packing we were now in the car " So where do you wanna go ? Home or work ? " I ask and she look at me " Actually can you bring me to work ? I really don't want to be alone right now . " She said and I smile " Sure , but make sure if you're starting to get dizzy remember to call me immediately , I will be right there . " I said and she smile " You know I really want to thank you . First you brought me to the hospital , you take care of me for a week and now you're here bringing me to work . " She said and I chuckled " Is no big deal , really . I want to stay with you all the way and take care of you . I'm never leaving your side ever again , I promise . " Omg I can't believe I just said that ! " Thanks you . " " And we're here . Come on . " I said and rush to her side to open her side of the car door " Chole ! You're ok ! " Sofia said and came running out from the set and hug Dove and she hug back and giggled " Yup , I'm ok . Hey , Thomas told me you've been blaming yourself for this and I just want to tell you is not your fault ok ? Is my choice so don't blame yourself ok ? " She said and Sofia nodded . I really confuse by what Dove said thought . What did she mean by ' Is her choice ' ? I decided to ask her later cause right now we're going to start filming .

Dove pov

After hearing what Thomas said in the car I don't know why but it make my heart melt and I know I was blushing a little . Anyway I am now filming the part where Mal break Ben's magic spell and honestly I am not excited about it . Well I have two reason why , first , I do not want to kiss Mitch and second he is obsessed with me which I make me really uncomfortable . Anyways while we were filming I saw Thomas behind the camera looking out at me make sure I didn't pass out or anything which I'm very grateful . While we were done filming that part my phone started to ring I look at the number and it's my doctor so I decided to pick up in case there is something wrong " Hey doc . Is something wrong ? " " Hey Dove . Yeah um , so look I'm looking at your report and it's says here that you are well pregnant . And I don't know it's bad news or good news since well um you know what . " After the doctor said that I widened my eyes and there is tears in them . " O-ok thanks again . Bye . " I quickly hang up and try to hold my tears until I felt someone's hand in my shoulder by the voice I know who it is right away . Thomas . " Hey Chlo , what wrong ? Who is on the phone ? " He ask with worried in his voice and that is when I couldn't hold in my tears anymore I turn around and hug him as I cry into his shirt . He was shocked I can tell but he immediately hug back and calm me down " Hey , what's wrong ? It's ok calm down , I'm here . Come on let's go to your trailer so we could talk ok ? " He ask and I nodded .

In my trailer

We were in my trailer I was sitting on one of the couch and Thomas is sitting across me waiting for me to talk " It's was the doctor in the phone . " I whispered and he immediately become worried " What did she say ? " He ask and I took a deep breath " The doctor said I'm pregnant . " I said and look up at him with teras in my eyes again " Well , is the baby's your boyfriend's or you know that jerk which I still dont know who ? " He ask clearly confuse and i know that is the right time to tell him . Is for the best . " Thomas , there is something you should know . The person that rapped me is my boyfriend . " I said and his eyes became wide " I'm confuse . " I sigh " Of course you are . This secret I only told two person Sof and Cam but now I think it's a good time to tell you . You see a couple months ago... "

Flashback a couple months ago

I was walking towards a shop when at the corner of my eyes I saw Ryan cheating on me with some random girl I do not know . There was teras in my eyes and I just call an Uber to go home . When I was home I just sit on the couch and wait for that cheater . When he was home " Babe , I'm home ! " He shouted and that is when I felt disguise when he call me ' babe ' . He walk into the living room where I was sitting and walk toward me " No stay away from me you cheater ! " I shouted finally looking up at him , he tilt his head to the left acting confuse " I'm confuse . What do you mean ' cheater ' ? " He ask and I just stand up from the couch and scoff " Dont act all freaking innocent , Ryan . I saw you . I saw you cheating on me with some random bitch ! Why ?! . " I shouted and he just started chuckling " You want to know why ? Because you're ugly and weak and I don't love you . I'm together with you only because of your money ok ? " He said and I become furious " Ok then we're over ! I'm going back to Sofia's house and don't you ever come looking for me ! " I yell and before I'm going to my room to pack he pull my hand " You are not going anywhere you bitch ! You're going to stay with me forever and if you don't listen to me I'm going to hurt you , your family and friends . Do you understand me ? " He whispered in my ear and I just turn around widened my eyes " I said do you understand me ? " He ask again and I got no choice but to nod I can't let anything happen to my friends and family .

Flashback end

After saying the whole story I'm crying . Thomas rush to sit beside me and hug me while I cry into his shirt " Hey hey hey , it's ok . I'm here , I'm not letting that jerk come near you ok ? I promise . " I look up at him " Is he right ? Am I ugly and weak ? Is it true ? " I ask and he immediately shake his " of course not . Whatever that jerk say is not true . You're beautiful and the strongest person I ever know . " He said and I smile a little " Thanks but now I'm pregnant with that jerk's baby I decided to get an abortion . " I said not really thinking and Thomas eyes widened .

Chapter 4 ! Sorry it took so long I'm now helping my mother to do some work but I promise I will update the next as soon as possible ! Love you guys ! 💕💖

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