Chapter 1 - The School Project

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It was a school day just like any other. Math, Italian, English, biology and PE were the subjects that would come across me today. I was at my locker and took out my books for the next class when I saw a pair of eyes looking at me.

"Oh. Hey Thomas." I smiled at him.

"H-hi Amalia." He smiled at me shyly. I hugged my books and closed the locker.

"What's up? " I smiled at him. He sctatched his neck softly.

"Not much. I just wondered if you could help me with the English project, you know..." I smiled. Thomas had a lot of problems with the English language. And some classmates used to make fun of him.

"Sure. Do you already have any idea what topic?"

"Yes. I wanted to make a presentation about the origin of rock music. I already got everything prepared in Italian. But I have problems translating it, you know?" I smiled at that cute blush of his.

"Sure. I have to stay in school longer today. Do you want to meet up in the head girl office?" I was the head girl of the school so I had my own room to do things, but at the same time I had to spend more time in school to deal with problems that occurred between the students. I was well known and I got along with almost all of the students which made me happy. There were assholes. But I could handle them.

"That would be great Amalia. Thank you so much for your help." Thomas hugged me. I heard some whistling from behind and laughing. I felt Thomas' hug weaken, but I held him.

"Ignore them" I whispered into his ear. He held me tight and nodded. I smiled and let him go.
"See you later." He smiled at me and left. I took my last book out and wanted to close my locker again when someone closed it for me.

"Ciao Amalia." A boy winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Go to class, Chad." I walked to class myself.

"Wait! I wanted to ask you if you want to go to prom with me! " He ran after me. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Sorry Chad. But I can't. I have to prepare everything for it. So I won't have time to get ready myself."

"Well you can try..."

"You have to learn what no means. Bye Chad." I walked to class as fast as I could to get rid of him.

In class I sat down next to my bestie.

"Heyyy Lia!" She smiled and gave me the notes I missed yesterday due to the prom preparation.

"Thank you Vic. You're an angel." I smiled and copied the notes. We waited for our teacher.

"I can't believe that your grades are so amazing when you are not even in class most of the time." She laughed.

"It's called lack of private time. But it's over soon." I smiled. She smiled too, but then looked down.

"I'm happy we graduate. But I will miss you so much..." I sighed.

"Me too. But we'll stay in contact. I promise you. We've been best friends since kindergarten. I couldn't live without you." I hugged her.

"Me too. Let's just hope we fulfill our dreams." I smiled.

"Rightttt. How's the band?" I smiled at Vic.
"Do you finally have a name?"

"Well... -"

"Victoria, Amalia. Can we start class now?" We looked at our teacher who we didn't notice was already there.

"Sorry sir!" We shut up and studied in silence.

After class I walked to my office and made some more notes for prom. I checked our prom finances and prices when I heard the door knock.

"Come in." I said loud enough and put the stuff away. I looked at the door and Thomas smiled at me.

"Hey." He smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Hey. Sorry I completely forgot we wanted to do the project.

"Oh... I'm sorry... I guess I'll go then if I'm bothering..."

"No it's fine. " I smiled.
"Sit down. I have time for you. Let's do it." He smiled and we sat down.

"So... Show me your presentation." He gave me his computer with a smile and we started to get to work.

After about 2 hours we were done and I smiled satisfied.

"I can't wait to hear you present." But Thomas looked down.

"I can... I hate my English... They will laugh at me.

"Don't worry about it. We learned the difficult words together. Just read it again tonight and tomorrow and you'll be okay, alright? Also I'm still in your class. " He smiled at me and I winked.

"Thank you so much Amalia. You're an angel." I smiled and hugged him.

"See you tomorrow." He smiled and we went home.

The next day it was time for the presentation. Thomas was super nervous but I knew he could do it. I sat next to him in class so we could go through it again. The teacher was so not motivated.

"Okay thank you crystal you passed. Next, Thomas?" Thomas was shaking and looking at me. I nodded and he went to the front.

"Let's see what failure he has this time. " some people started to laugh, but Thomas looked at me and I helped him relax. He nodded and started. And it was good. After he finished me and some other guys clapped. He smiled and I winked.

"Wow Thomas" the teacher was in shock.
"I'm impressed. B+" Thomas smiled so bright and sat next to me.

"I knew you could do it." I smiled at him.

"Thanks to you. " he smiled and we focused back on class while a jealous Chad watched us.

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