Chapter 7 - Eurovision

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Shit I was so excited! I couldn't wait to stand at that stage and listen to this amazing music. 

"Dylan hurry up! We're late!" He came out of the bathroom and wow... He looked like walking rainbow. I giggled at him.

"Wow... And I thought my bisexual eyeshadow was a little  much." He just laughed.

"Bitch please. Eurovision is THE LGBT event! You need to be too much. Everyone is! I mean... Have you seen the Italian band?" I shook my head.

"Wait... who is  playing?-"

"AAAA OUR TAXIII!" Dylan ran outside so super excited.

"Don't fall in those heels!" I laughed and walked after him. I guess I would find out who was playing when I saw them.

We arrived at the huge concert hall. And fuck it was huge. We got our tickets checked and went inside. Dylan immediately ordered a cocktail for himself. I smiled and decided to already go in since Dylan kinda met a guy and I definetely did not want to disturb. So I walked in and wow... It was so enormous! It almost looked like an own city! I showed the secutity guard my bracelet that I got at the entrance to show where my seat was. It was safer in case you lost your ticket and also easier and faster for the security to help you find your seat. The guy nodded and guided me to my seat. And shit... I actually was sitting front row. I felt so rich now haha. Some music was already playing to get a better atmosphere and I softly hummed to it. I waited... And waited... The first people entered the hall and I just kept looking at the stage and started daydreaming...

"Could you imagine performing on such a huge stage? I mean... All of Europe just watching you be you? It would be amazing."

"Just that you are afraid of even showing yourself to your own class." I smiled and made us some popcorn.

"It's just... I wouldn't be alone on that stage, you know? I would have my friends and it would just be us and our music." I nodded.

"You would rock it up there. This stage will be yout home someday. I know it.

"You think?" He smiled at me and I nodded.

"I know." We sat down and continued watching the show.

"Amalia... Amalia!"

"Huh?" I woke up from my  daydream and looked at Dylan and his new friend.

"Did I miss anything?"

"Just the entrance of the musicians." Dylan meant to me.

"And definetely that hot Dark haired guy." His friend laughed and Dylan cuddled into him. I smiled.

"You made a friend." Dylan smiled and nodded.

"This is Jay." I smiled and greeted the guy. He also had dark skin, but his short hair was dyed in a light blonde and I guess his makeup was supposed to show the pansexual flag.

"Where are you from Jay?" I asked him.

"I'm from Switzerland. Dylan said you were from Italy?"

"Yeah. 'm from Rome actually"  I smiled at him.

"Aww a neighbor. Just like the Italian band. Nice to meet you." He smiled at me. Again... Who was that band? Why didn't I do my fucking research?

"Hey... Jay? Who are-"

"Shhh! They are starting!" Dylan sushed me. God he was almost more excited than me. I smiled at him and we watched the show. The first acts of the night performed and we had so much fun. We danced and sang and I smiled at Dylan who seemed to have had a massive crush on Jay. Everything was amazing... and then they announced Italy...

"And now for Italy..." I raised my Italian flag and shouted

"WHOOO!" I couldn't believe I could actually support my home country on Eurovision one day. And then Nikki called out their name.

"The band from Rome: Maneskin with Zitti e buoni!" People started cheering so much and I was extremely confused. Why was this name so familiar again? The instruments started playing live, which was not a thing for Eurovision, unless it was an actual bad that played. The lights started to go on and I looked closely at the four people on stage. I couldn't believe my eyes... The drummer... Ethan... That new kid at our school that was shy but such an amazing guy... The Bassist... Victoria, my best friend from school times, Damiano.... The vocalist who quit school but who was always there to have fun with and talk to and... Thomas... That guitarist who I never knew whether we were a couple or not. That boy that ditched an message or call on my birthday even though he promised the last time we talked... And that was on his birthday in January. And it was May now. I stood up and tried to walk forward, but I couldn't go further than the security allowed. I tried to scream for Thomas' name, or anyone else's, but none of them could hear, nor see me... I tried to find a way backstage. And shit that was difficult.

After a while of searching and a lot of help by Dylan and Jay we found a way to sneak into the backstage area. Or at least I did since the boys were able to distract the security and I was small enough to not be seen. I took a deep breath and looked around.

"Thomas?" I whispered so I wouldn't get caught, but of course I did not get a response. I walked through the halls and bumped into a girl who seemed about my age and looked like she was working there. At least her Maneskin VIP card let me guess so.

"Excuse me, what are you doing backstage?" She looked at me and she was definetely ready to call the security on me.

"Please... I don't want any trouble. I just need to find Thomas Raggi. The guitarist from Maneskin..." She looked at me and then she looked like a light bulb lightened up above her head.

"Wait... Are you Amalia?" I nodded at her.

"You know me?" She nodded.

"Yeah. Thomas told me about you. Please... Come with me." Finally! I followed her for a little and looked around.

"This place is huge! I can't believe people can keep their orientation here." I smiled and that girl guided me into a room. I went in and looked around.

"Yeah. Not many people get along around here. And you won't." I turned around as she turned off the lights of the room and locked the door with only me inside.

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