Chapter 5 - Graduation

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When the stupid alarm clock rang I wanted to break it so bad. The night was so long and the alarm went off so early. I turned it off and got dressed for graduation day. I got into the kitchen and did my breakfast with a smile.

"Good morning mom. I can't wait to hold those papers in my hands!" But she didn't smile.

"Love... I'm so sorry... I can't come..." She looked down.

"Wait... What? " I looked at her shocked.

"I have to work... They need me... I'm so sorry..."

"Mom... This is the last day. The last day of my school. The last day before I move to Australia... You promised me you would be free today... You promised you would come..." I let a tear fall.

"I'm so sorry love..." She sighed. I shook my head.

"It's fine... Have fun at work." I left the house.

"Amalia... Amalia!" But I shut the door. I started to cry and walked to the school.

I arrived at the school and looked down. Everything was prepared. The first students entered the hall, together with their parents... I looked down and stayed outside.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Ethan standing in front of me.

"Hey." I smiled at him. He offered me a cigarette, but I thankfully declined. He lit one and stood next to me, leaning on the wall with one leg up against the wall.

"Alone too?" I nodded.

"Mom has to work..." He nodded and took another smoke of his cig.

"She'd be proud of you, you know?" I nodded.

"Yeah... I just wish she would be here."

"Well at least she cares." He looked down.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him.

"My mom doesn't give a shit about me. I asked her if she would come, but she didn't want to. She doesn't think I'm worth it." I looked down.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't be complaining..."

"You can. Don't worry. It's not okay that your mom doesn't show up... You are allowed to be upset. I understand." He thew the cigarette away and blew out the last smoke of his lungs. I took his hand.

"You have us. Don't worry." He smiled and nodded. We saw the others coming. Thomas took his mom and Vic... Nobody...

"Yo where's your mom? " Ethan asked her.

"She's feeling worse... Dad decided to stay with her." I look down. I totally forgot Victoria's mom had cancer. I hugged her.

"You gave us. We are going together." I looked at Thomas and smiled at his mom.

"Hello Ms Raggi." I smiled. Thomas smiled at me.

"Hello. Amalia, right?" I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. That's right." She nodded and looked at her son.

"I'll see you inside." She went inside to give us privacy. I smiled and Thomas blushed a little.

"So... This is it, huh?" He scratches his neck.

"Yeah.... My plane tickets are already booked so... No way back..." He nodded at me. I sighed and he hugged me.

"I wish you could stay..." I hugged him back and stroke his hair softly.

"One day I'll come back. And who knows... Maybe I'll pay a couple of hundred euros for your concert backstage tickets." I winked at him. He blushed a lot.
"And also... We are gonna sit next to each other. So come on." I took his hand and we walked inside.

Inside we sat down in the front row and looked at the stage. Above it was a huge banner with the words "CONGRATS GRADUATES" I took a deep breath. Everything went silent and our principal got on stage.

"It's an honor to see all of you students gathered together. Though we weren't sure if all of you would graduate." He secretly winked at Thomas and I giggled. He blushed and scratched his neck.

"But all of this wouldn't be possible without our head girl. Get up here Amalia." Everyone clapped and I grabbed my notes and walked on stage. I had to be honest... Yes I was the head girl... But I had massive stage fright... I coughed and looked at my paper. I was shaking. There were at least 200-300 people in this hall... I looked at Thomas and he smiled at me. It really helped. I took a deep breath and started to talk.

"Dear graduates. Dear parents, dear teachers. Principal Russo." He smiled at me.
"Today is a very important day for all of us. Today we will say goodbye to each other, to our friends, classmates, teachers, and some of us will also say goodbye to their families today..." I took a deep breath and went to the next paper.

"But who said that a goodbye has to be only sad? All of you guys here, you... We... Made it up to this point. And there is so much more we can achieve. Some of us want to lead a world Bank one day." I looked at a boy that had that dream. He smiled at me.
"Others want to run for the head position of Italy." I looked at the girl that told me exactly that.
"And again others... Want to be famous musicians and live their dream all around the world." I looked at the band. Vic blew me a kiss and held her heart, Damiano shouted out a big "WHOO!", Ethan clapped and Thomas let a tear fall. I smiled at him and continued.

"We all have our dreams. And people want to destroy them. But I'm telling you: fight. Because if you fight for what you pursue, one day you will succeed. Don't forget who you are, what you can do and who you have with you. Because we will always be a family. Thank you." The crowd clapped and some people even stood up. I smiled and got down from the stage. I sat next to Thomas.

"That was amazing." I smiled at him and we got our certificates. We went out.

"OMG finally! Let's celebrate! We're going out for dinner! " Vic smiled, but I looked at the taxi.

"Guys I..." Thomas looked at me.
"I'm sorry... I have to get to the airport."

"Now?" Vic looked at me sad. I nodded. I couldn't even look at them.

"I'm... So sorry... I wish I could stay..." Vic hugged me.

"We'll always be there for you." She kissed my head and Ethan and Damiano hugged me.

"We'll miss you."

"Me too." I whispered and let a tear fall. They took a step back and Thomas walked forward.

"What about us...?" He looked down.

"I'll visit you. Don't worry. I'll go on your concert. I promised." I winked.

"No you won't." He let a tear fall. I wiped it softly.

"If I come you pay my ticket." I smiled.

"And if you don't... I'll send you the bill for my next guitar." I smiled.

"Rude. But okay." He smiled and I held his cheeks and kissed him softly. He blushed and kissed me back, holding my cheeks. We let go of each other.

"See you?"

"You bet." I kissed his cheek again and got in the taxi to the airport. I looked back one more time before the car drove off.

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