Chapter 12 - Familia

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Amalia's POV

God the trip was a nightmare. My first flight had a delay and because of that I missed my connection flight. But after 28 hours of flying I finally arrived in Rome. I grabbed my bags that thankfully didn't get lost and took a taxi back to my mom's apartment. I looked around and wow it was tiny. I saw my mom sitting on the couch and decided to surprise her. I sneaked up behind her and smiled.

"Mamma?" I smiled and she turned around.

"A... Amalia?" I smiled bright and nodded.
"Amalia!" She stood up and hugged me tight. I hugged her back and smiled.

"I missed you mamma." I stroke her hair softly.

"I missed you too, la mia principessa." I giggled and she kissed my head.
"What are you doing back here?"

"I decided to move back to Italy. Back home." I smiled and she kissed my head again.

"I'm so happy. You have no idea how much I missed you." I smiled and nodded.

"Me too. Australia was amazing, but I really enjoy being in my hometown again." She nodded and went to the kitchen to make us some coffee and me something to eat.

"Hahah mamma... I'm not hungry..." I laughed

"You will be once I made my amazing carnonara." I laughed

"Okayyy you got me." I followed her into the kitchen to help her and wow... It was small... My mom used to be a chef, but last year she had a car accident that made it difficult for her to work anymore.

"Please mamma... Let me make the spaghetti. It's too hot." I took over and she smiled.

"My little angel. Make sure to cook them al dente." I laughed and of course I did everything she taught me. She cut the meat and did the carbonara sauce. Then we sat down on the table and started to eat and talk about my stay in Australia. I told her about my job, my friends, and everything she wanted to know about the nature.

"What about you mamma?  How are you getting along?" She just smiled.

"I'm okay. I got this cute apartment for the support I get from the state because of the accident. It's all okay." I smiled softly, but I could see that she was heartbroken by all of this. I hugged her tight.

"I'm proud of you mamma. You are doing so amazing. I'm so glad you can even walk again."

"Barely..." Mamma sighed. I nodded and decided to clean the kitchen for her so she could rest. When I got back she laid on the couch and was already asleep. I looked at the pills on the living room table that she had to take and shit... Those were strong stuff... No wonder she was so tired. I put a blanket over her and kissed her head and I left her a note that I was out, but I had my phone. Then I grabbed my phone, keys and jacket and went out of the apartment and into the city.

Outside I looked around. It all looked the same. I decided to walked around the Colosseum because it was one of my favorite places to stay in Rome. I sat down next to it and looked at all the surroundings. I got so inspired that I got my sketchbook and I started to draw. I was not the best artist, but It was enough to satisfy myself. I got a text and checked my phone.

~I hope the plane landed where it was supposed to😉~

I giggled. Thomas. Of course this kind of message would be from him.

~Kinda. It was the airport and not your house but... Close enough 🤭~

I was so happy. I talked to Thomas again... And now after we truly confessed what we really felt about each other, it felt only right.

~Ooo... May I invite the flight attendant for a date?😘~

I smiled brightly.

~You always may, little Rock star😉~

I hugged my phone and let a tear fall with a smile. I was so happy.

~Nice. Where are you?😉~

~What do you mean? Like now??😳~

I raised an eyebrow and got worried

~Send me the address~

... Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I couldn't go on a date like this.. I looked terrible... I gave him the address and quickly ran to a drug store to get some makeup and a small hairbrush at least. Then I ran to the store next door to get something else to wear... But I had to hurry up. I was so thankful that traffic in Rome sucked... So it bought me time. I bought a nice leather jacket, a cute medium length dress and a pair of converse and quickly got back and sat down where I was before and I saw Thomas.

"Ciao bella." I blushed and he kissed my hand.

"Ciao." I smiled and hugged Thomas tight. He hugged me back and smiled at me.

"How much did it cost?"

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He laughed.

"You didn't need to change for me... You don't look like yourself..." He stroke my cheek softly. I smiled.

"Shut up. I ran as fast as I could to look good for that date. Where are we going?" He smiled.

"It's a surprise. Come with me." He took my hand and we started to walk. I was a little scared, but way more excited to spend some time with him.

After a little while we were out of the city center and in a more nature based area. It looked so pretty and I had never been in this place my entire life.

"Thomas... What is this?" I smiled and looked around.

"Tada." He smiled and we walked through a small alley covered in colorful flowers and beautiful lighting. He gently plugged one blue-purple-ish flower and put it into my hair softly. I smiled at him.

"Forget-me-not... You remembered my favorite flower." He smiled and nodded.

"It reminds me of you. Because we never forgot each other." I laughed and playfully punched him.

"You are such a dork." He laughed too and we arrived at a small house.

"There we are." He pointed at it and we walked towards it.

"Where are we?" I asked and then saw a small table, two chairs and a candle on top of the table standing in front of us.
"Thomas... What is this place?" He smiled and helped me sit down.

"This here... Is a small restaurant with a secret garden. I got the table just fot the two of us." I smiled.

"How much did that cost to book?" Thomas just smiled.

"Definetely not more than your outfit." I punched him playfully again and laughed.

"I hate you." I smiled.

"You love me." He smiled and I blushed. Shit. Busted. But he just laughed and gave me the menu.
"Choose anything you like." I examined the meals.

"Wait... Why are the prices crossed out?" I asked him.

"Well... Because I want you to order what you like, not what's cheapest." I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't like this... This looks expensive... I don't want you to spend a huge amount of money for me just for some food." He smiled.

"Don't worry about it. It's not as expensive as yo think." I nodded softly and decided to go for the carbonara. The waiter took our order and left.I could feel Thomas staring at me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"I knew you would take that." I smiled and nodded.

"I guess you do know me pretty well." He nodded with a smile and poured in some white wine for us.

"So... How is it being famous?" I asked him and took a sip.

"Actually... It's weird... But so cool. The fans are amazing and we are so inspired." He was so happy that his silly smile made my heart melt.

"Well since I'm back now...Maybe I will see some of that inspiration." I winked  at him... But he didn't look at me that playfully.

"Am... This... Will probably our last dinner... For a while..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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