Chapter 8 - Lies

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That bitch locked me into a staff room! Oh my god why?! I slammed against the door and screamed for help. I was claustrophobic and the dark did not help at all. I screamed and started to cry. I sat down on the floor and breathed heavily. I was having a panic attack. I grabbed my hair and rolled into a ball and tried to calm me down, but it was worthless. I closed my eyes and passed out due to my lackof oxygen becase of the panic attack.

Damiano's POV

"Be right back you guys, I gotta take a smoke." I walked through the backstage area and got totally lost.
"Shit where's the exit?" I wanted to open a door that looked like it, but it was locked.
"Ugh...Come on dude..." I saw a key that laid in front of it and unlocked the door and a head fell  on my feet.
"SHIT!" I jumped and looked down at the body. My eyes widened.

Amalia's POV

After a little while I woke up on a couch. I opened my eyes and shit that room was bright. I looked around and saw the guys standing around me.

"Ammy.." Victoria hugged me tight and I stroke her hair softly.
"Shit are you okay baby?" I nodded and carefully sat up with her help. Ethan gave me a small water bottle and I drank it. They looked at me worried.

"What happened? I looked at the guys..

"Damiano found you passed out in the staff room." Victoria explained to me and I looked at Damiano.

"Yeah... You gave me a massive shock there. What happened? Did the door close behind you?" I sighed.

"Actually... It was closed..." Vic sat down next to me and stroke my hair softly.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked me, his arms crossed and listening carefully. I looked around and saw THomas... He was talking to... That girl...

"It was her." I pointed at her.

"What?" The guys looked at me in shock. Thomas heard it and walked towards me.

"What do you mean Am?" Thomas looked at me.

"She locked me in there." The girl gasped.

"How dare you?"

"Tell us what happened, Ammy." Victroia looked at me and I nodded.

"I saw you guys and wanted to talk to you. I sneaked through security and looked for you." I looked at the girl.
"She asked me what I wanted and I told her I wanted to talk to Thomas. She promised to take me to you guys and locked me in that room... I had a panic attack and passed out." Thomas looked at me in shock.

"What are you talking about? I could never hurt anybody on purpose. Look, it was probybly the door. It's old and locks itself sometimes..."

"Fuck you. You know it was you." I looked her dead in the eye.

"That's enough, Amalia. If Mariella says that she had nothing to do with it then maybe it was a mistake." I looked at Thomas in disbelief.

"Are you... Are you kidding me? Do you really think I would imagine such a scenario? How dare you?"

"You passed out... Maybe it's the lack of oxygen..." He looked down.

"You know what..." I stood up and almost fell, but Ethan caught me.

"Careful Am-."

"I had a little hope that you would care about me. No message since your birthday. No text on my birthday last week. Nothing. You made a promise, Thomas." Tears welled up in my eyes.
"You know what? Be happy. I don't give a shit. But don't you dare calling me a liar knowing that I have never lied to you my entire life." I walked to the door.


"Leave her." Mariella stopped him from walking towards me.

"I want the money from the tickets you promised me. I'll send you my bank ID tomorrow." And without looking back I left the room and closed the door. I waited a few seconds, but he didn not come after me. I knew it. He found someone else. We were done. I let Dylan and Jay have fun and decided to go back to the hotel earlier alone. Fuck boys. Fuck Thomas.

Thomas' POV

That was it. Amalia was gone... I guess we were done... But... She lied... She lied about my friend hurting her... No... She wouldn't do that... I thought of going after her, to talk to her. But Mariella stopped me.

"Let her go. You don't need to go after her." It felt wrong, but she was right. I looked down and took a deep breath.

"Alright guys. Let's get bacl out there and win this game!" Mariella exclaimed and smiled bright. The others hesitated.

"Come on guys." I meant to them, but they were not happy.

"Do you really think she would lie?" Damiano looked at me.

"She did. I did send her a birthday message. I did text her on a daily basis. She was the one that didn't reply. And Mariella would never lock her away." She smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled at her and she held my hand.
"Let's discuss it tomorrow you guys. We might win the contest of our lives today. And we should see it in person." The guys nodded and we walked out to get to our seats.

Victoria's POV

I did not like where this was going. Amalia was, and always had been my best friend. She had never liedto me in her entire life. But Thomas was right... It was our night... But I promised to myself: I would find out what happened. No matter what.

Ethan's POV

What the  fuck happened? Everything went as we had always dreamt. And even Amalia came back to us. But what happened to her? When Damiano found her she looked awful. Maybe her panic attack made her hallucinate? I didn't know what to think of this. But I did not want to think of this. I wanted to win tonight. That was my dream.

Damiano's POV

This was definetely fishy. I knew that Amalia was claustrophobic and that it could escalete especially in the dark. But she never hallucinated. I looked into my pocket and held that key in my hand that I found on the floor of the door Amalia laid behind. The door was locked. There was a movable knob ob the other side of the door. And the door opened to the outside. There was no way that Amalia could lock herself in, so somebody must've done it to her. I looked at Mariella and she was flirting with Thomas. I felt like I had an idea what was going on. But I couldn't prove it. Yet. But after tomight... I would find out what really happened.

Amalia's POV

I was done. I left the concert hall earlier. I coudn't look at the guys again. I sent Dylan a text that I would be in the hotel in case he was looking for me. The taxi drove me home and I sat down on my bed. I turned on the TV and watched the show from there. It was close. The decision was between Malta, France, Switzerland and... Italy. I looked at the screen and the camera only focused on Damiano. Honestly, I would be extremely mad in that moment since they were a BAND after all, but on the other hand I was glad that I didn't need to see Thomas right now. I was mad, yeah, but still I crossed my fingers for my friends.

Malta was out. France was out. Now it was all between Switzerland and Italy. If I was still there Jay and I would've probably fought for our homes haha. And then... The call. Italy won. Maneskin, my family won. They were laying in each other's arms and cried in happiness. And that Mariella girl literally jumped on Thomas. I turned off my TV and texted Vic.

Congrats on the win my love <3.

I put my phone away and decided to book my flight back to Australia tomorrow. Then I put my phone away and went to sleep.

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