Chapter 10 - Confrontation

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Amalia's POV

"Thomas?" I looked at him and he looked down.

"Hey..." He didn't dare to look at me. I looked down.

"I have to go. I'll miss my flight." I stood up and grabbed my tablet.

"Am... I'm sorry..." I looked at him.

"For what? Believing I would lie to you? For not texting me for months? Or for blocking my number?" He looked at me confused.

"I... Didn't block your number... I tried to reach you for months. You didn't text me since my birthday."

"Of course I did! Here!" I shoved my phone into his face. He looked at it.

"But... I texted you... Why didn't you get any text?" He looked through his phone and scrolled faster. After a little he looked at me confused.
"They are gone..."

"What are you talking about?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The messages are gone! What the fuck happened?" I looked down.

"Great. Now you're the liar?"

"I SENT YOU MESSAGES AMALIA!" He started to scream.

"...He's right." I looked at Vic and she looked back at me.
"We used to stay awake through nights because he was so desperate because he didn't get any answer to his texts. He did text you... Something must've happened." I looked at her confused.

"But... I didn't get anything..."

"Did you  have to change your number in Australia?" Damiano asked me, but I shook my head.

"I have had this number since I moved to Australia. I definetely had the chance to hear from him. But I didn't."

"Have you had the phone with you all the time?" Ethan looked at Thomas.

"Not always. Just like you." We looked at Ethan confused.

"Why are you asking?" Victoria asked him.

"Mariella... Was she with you when you texted?" Thomas was confused at that question Ethan asked him.

"I mean... I guess so. We spent a lot of time together, why?" My heart broke. He spent a lot of time with her and didn't even notice that I desperately tried to reach him. I wanted to get out of the situation. And fuck I was glad when I saw Dylan.

"I have to go guys. I have to get that plane. See you around." I stood up and looked at him. He was confused and then in shock when he saw that band he cheered for yesterday.

"Oh. M. Goodness. Is that them?!" I looked at him and He was so excited.

"Yeah... Dylan... We kinda have to go...-"


"Wow uhm... Thank you." Victoria smiled at him. Dylan went in and hugged everyone of them and Thomas looked at me.

"Yeah. But it's not okay that Mariella and I spend time together." Thomas looked at me. He sounded... Jealous... I pouted.

"I'm done. I'll take the taxi." I got up and walked to my room mad.

"Am... Amalia!" I didn't dare to turn around. I took the key out of my pocket and stood at the door.

"What Vic?"

"Please... Don't just go with such a fight going on..." The blonde begged me. I walked into my room and she followed me.
"I mean... You two really loved each other... You can't just leave it with that..." I sighed.

"Vic. I love you. But he has no reason to be jealous."

"I mean... You moved to the other side of the world into an apartment with a guy." She meant to me. I pouted.

"He's GAY Vic! And I-" I stopped... Victoria looked at me.

"No. Talk. What you?"

"I... I never stopped loving him, okay?!" Thomas was my first... And my only love... And seeing that he moved on... It hurts..." I let a tear fall and sat down on my bed. Victoria took a deep breath and sat down next to me.

"Am... He didn't move on. He tried, but he never stopped loving you. Every day he looked at his phone when we were alone, waiting for a message. It broke his heart that he never got any message from you. I always told him you would answer... And we never received any message. I believe you that you texted him. But it was strange..."

"So he just decided to hook up with another girl?" I looked down.

"He never loved her, Amalia. She was a manager. A friend to him. Almost like a sister. He never wanted anything from her. He loves you, only you. And he always has."  I took a deep breath and stood up.

"Look, I really have to get to the airport. If Thomas really cares about me... He can text me. But I won't wait any longer..." I hugged Vic and grabbed my bags.
"Congrats on your win. I hope I'll see you again soon." I opened the door and left the room. I called a taxi and drove to the airport.

Thomas's POV

I didn't know what to do...  I felt bad that Amalia never got any texts. But... She moved in with another guy instead? And that guy was a fan of us... Did he even know we were a thing? I mean... We weren't... Anything officially but... Did he?" I walked outside to smoke a cigarette. I didn't want to be a part of the conversation inside. I closed my eyes and let a tear fall when I heard a voice speak up.

"Hey." I moved my head and saw that guy standing next to me. I wanted to ignore him, but I was too kind.

"Hey." I answered and took a smoke. He stood next to me and looked forward.

"I heard you like Amalia?" He asked with a soft voice. I nodded.

"Yeah." I wanted to take another smoke when I saw the cigarette was done. I sighed and put it away.

"Why don't you show her?" The boy asked me. I shrugged.

"Why bother? She already has someone else." I glanced at him. He took a second, but then he bursted out laughing. I looked at him confused.

"Another one. That was funny." He laughed. I just gave him a confused look. He looked at me and stopped laughing.

"You- you think I'm dating Amalia?" I didn't know what was so funny about it, but I nodded. He smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

"I could never. I'm gay. Anyone that is not a girl is farr out of my league." My eyes widened.

"You're... You're gay?" He nodded.

"Mate... I'm a Eurovision fanboy. Of course I'm gay. I am the walking cliché!" He laughed and I was... A little relieved.
"And you should go back to her." I looked down and kicked a small stone that was in front of my feet.

"I fucked up. She thinks I'm cheating on her and now she's gone back to Australia." I looked down and tried to hold my tears.

"Actually..." Dylan looked at his phone.
"The plane has a 2 hour delay, in case you want to win her heart back." I looked at him and without thinking I grabbed the next taxi I could find and drove to the airport, hoping that I wouldn't be too late.

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