Chapter 3 - Prom

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The next day. Prom day. I was excited. And no work to do. Yay. I did my classes and walked to my locker in the hallway. I heard people talking and whispering, but I didn't think much of it. It was the same every day. I closed the locker and turned around when suddenly a hand was next to my head on the locker and a pair of lips close to mine. I looked up and looked into big eyes.

"Hehe... Hey." Thomas looked at me, blushing like crazy." I hugged my books and smiled at him.

"Hi." And I heard laughter

"What's wrong big guy? Loss of words?" Chad started to laugh and so did his group.
"Give up. She said no to your date offer. Loser." I looked into his heart broken eyes, or at least I tried.

"Thomas..." He ran away and started to cry.
"Thomas! " I sighed and turned my head to Chad.

"For fucking real man?! What's your problem with him?!" I shouted at him.

"He deserved it." I looked him dead in the eye.

"No Chad. You do." I turned around so my hair slapped his face and ran after Thomas.

"Thomas?!" I ran around, but I couldn't find him.
"Thomas..." I saw him at a street lantern smoking.
"I didn't know you smoked." He almost dropped his cigarette and looked at me.

"Why are you here?" His face was full of tears.

"Please come back in. I'm so sorry about what those assholes did... They will carry consequences. I promise." He looked down.

"No they won't. And we won't either. We'll get out graduation papers tomorrow and then we're done..." I looked down.

"I know but... We can still make something out of it." I took his hand and he looked at me confused. I smiled in a sweet way at him.
"I hope that prom offer is still standing." His eyes widened.

"You're... Coming?" I nodded.

"I know that I said I couldn't get everything done but... I can... And I'd love to go to prom with you. Unless you already have a date of course." I put my hands on my back and my feet played with the rocks on the floor to look extra adorable. Be blushed and shook his head.

"I'd love to go with you. But I... Can't pick you up... I don't have a license." I giggled.

"Don't worry. I'll just meet you there" I kissed his cheek and he looked like a tomato. I giggled and took his hand.
"Come on. Let's go back to class." He nodded with a smile and we went back to our last school day.

The next day. Prom day. I was excited. Since everything for my own prom was prepared I was more excited of the prom itself, not the months of preparation I put in. My mom helped me put on my dress, do my hair and my makeup.

"I'm sorry I couldn't afford more for you love." She looked down.

"It's cool mom. Really. You're an amazing stylist for me." I smiled and hugged her. She hugged me back and I looked into the mirror. I didn't even recognize myself. I looked at every single detail.

"So?" My mom asked me. I smiled bright.

"I can't cry or I'll ruin it." I tried to hold my tears.

"Save those tears for your date." I smiled and nodded.
"I'm sorry I can't take you love... especially with the shoes..." I smiled.

"Don't worry mom. I got this." I took off my shoes and walked the few steps to school.

At school I saw people talking outside and damiano was smoking.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey sweetheart. You look amazing!" He hugged me and I smiled.

"It's nice to see you here. Are you coming in later?" He nodded.

"Yes. I'll just finish my smoke. But go in. The others are waiting for you." I nodded and went inside.

The party was going. It looked amazing. I couldn't look at it before tonight. But wow... The room looked beautiful. I looked around and saw people dancing and drinking and more. Vic hugged me from behind.

"Heyy cutieeee you cameeeeee!" Vic smiled bright. I turned around.

"Yup. And you are drunk." I laughed and she smiled.
"Hey have you seen Thomas?" She shook her head.

"No. But he's here. We took him. He wouldn't dump you." I nodded and looked around for him. I didn't see him... But instead I saw Chad and his friends walking to the bathroom. I was curious and decided to follow them.

When I was there I heard some talking and laughing. I hid behind a wall so I wasn't seen but I could hear well. It was the guys. But also... Thomas... And I heard a slap.

"Looking good, fag." Chad laughed.

"Please... Leave me alone...." I heard Thomas sob. My heart broke. His voice sounded so scared and sad...

"Perfect." The boys laughed and left. I hid behind the wall and when they were gone I walked into it.

"Thomas?" I asked softly.

"Please... Go away..." He cried and looked away from me. I looked at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Tommy..." He turned around and he looked terrible... He had smushed eyeshadow, terrible applied lipstick and a bruise on his face and his hair was completely messed up. He cried so much and I hugged him tight.
"Shhhh.... It's okay... You're safe..." I kissed his head softly and he melted in my touch. I held his chin to look at him.
"Wow... Blue suits you tho." I smiled and he smiled too, but then he looked down.

"I'm awful..." He let a tear fall.

"Please, tell me what happened." He looked down.

"I came here... Wearing makeup... They saw it and heard we would go to prom together and haunted me..." I hugged him tight.

"Fuck them. And actually... I love your makeup. We just need to fix it. If you let me." He looked at me, shocked at my reaction and nodded. I removed the ugly eyeshadow and lipstick that they put on him and I was really gentle.

"I'm a mess..." He looked down.

"No you're not sweetie... You're amazing. Here. Let me help you." I grabbed my emergency makeup and gave him the glow up the needed.

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