Chapter 6 - Between Australia and Europe

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Two years have passed. I was in my apartment in Australia with my bestie Dylan. I watched TV and we watched the news about Eurovision, my favorite event of the year. It was always my dream to go there in person, but I never had the chance.

"Aw come on birthday girl." Dylan smiled at me.
"Don't make that faceee. It's your birthday! You should have fun!" I smiled.

"You're right. Let's have fun." I took one last glance at my phone, but I didn't get any message. I sighed and put down my phone. I walked to the kitchen table and smiled at the presents Dylan put on there for me.

"Aw Dylan. That was so unnecessary!" I smiled bright and he hugged me.

"You deserve it. For all the hard work you do. And for being an amazing relationship coach." I smiled at him.

"You deserve a medal for the best roommate in the world. He smiled at me.

"Stop ammy you're gonna make me cryyy." He waved wind into his eyes with his hands while looking up. I smiled.

"You're so cute." I kissed his cheek. He smiled and gave me the presents. I unwrapped the first one.
"Aaawwww an Italian flag!" I hugged it and wrapped it around me like a cape. I was so small and it was so big. I felt like I was cuddling a thin blanket.

"I know how much you miss your country." Dylan smiled at me.

"I hoped you would like it. Now look for the next one." He gave me a little box and smiled. I opened it.

"Makeup? Aw that's so cute! But you know I don't wear makeup." He just smiled.

"You will wear this one. Here." He took out two face pens. One in the colors green, white, red. The Italian colors, of course. But... The others?

"Blue, white, red? The French flag?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Close. Here." He turned it around by 90°. I looked at it and raised an eyebrow.

"Wait... Is that the Netherlands or Luxembourg?"

"Uh... There's a difference?" Dylan looked at me confused.

"Well... Kinda. The blue of the Luxembourg flag is lighter." Dylan sighed in relief.

"Thank god. No, it's the Netherland's flag." I looked at him confused.

"Okay? But... Why do you give me face paint of the flag of the Netherlands?"

"Maybe this will give you the answer." At last he gave me an envelope. I looked at him confused and opened it.

"Plane tickets to the Netherlands? Dylan what the fuck?" He smiled.

"Look behind them." I did and almost let the papers in my hands fall.

"You-" He smiled and nodded.

"Two tickets for the Eurovision contest. For you and me. I'm sick of watching it on TV. Let's see it from front row." I looked at the tickets and then him. I raised an eyebrow and smiled at him.

"How many months of salary did you need for this?"

"3? Almost 4. But it's for the two of us so... Don't worry about it. Worry about your outfit." He looked up and down at me. I pouted.

"Heyyy it's not that bad!" I laughed.

"Righttt... Don't worry about it. Your designer best friend will take care of it." I raised an eyebrow, but I trusted him. We went to my room and picked out the best outfits for our trip to the Netherlands and, especially, the trip to Eurovision. Then Dylan took the car to drive us to the airport.

After we went through security dylan and I got ourselves something to eat and drink.

"Dude I'm HUNGRY!" I bit into my €10 sandwich and almost had an orgasm. But Dylan did not eat. He looked at the airplanes outside starting and landing, packing and unpacking, boarding and unboarding. He started shaking. I looked at him.

"You have never been in one, have you?" He shook his head. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"You don't have to be afraid. Flying is... Kinda fun, you know? I always enjoy that fast start, the amazing view, and..." But Dylan didn't seem to listen. He was so scared. I took a deep breath.
"You know what? Don't worry about it. Do you know what helps?" He looked at me and I pointed at his sandwich.
"A big, juicy tuna sandwich with mayonnaise and lots and lots of pickles." He smiled at me.

"My favorite." I smiled too.

"Yup. The one reason why I cannot say that I love you for 100%." We both laughed and he ate it. Finally some color came back into his face.

"Thank you so much for your help Amalia. You're the best."

"You know me." I smiled and winked. He laughed and the call for boarding rang through our ears. I smiled bright and we went to our plane, checked in and found our seats. I let Dylan sit at the window because I knew that the view above the clouds would help him relax a lot more. And I was right. He was so happy and excited that he wanted to show me every single cloud, just like a 4 year old. I smiled and when he went to sleep, I took out my phone again. But yet... No message of who I was hoping would text me. I put my phone away as well and decided to sleep as well until the plane landed.

Once the plane landed and we got out we got our bags and wow... I never expected that a guy would need more baggage than I would. We went outside and I called an uber that could take us to our hotel room. Dylan fell asleep in the car, but I was just too excited to be back in Europe again. We drove for about 30 minutes because we had to get from Amsterdam to Rotterdam. The light of the street lanterns made me feel so much nostalgia.

As we arrived I woke up dylan and we went to our room. It was a room with two seperate beds. I didn't mind sharingg a bed with him, but we both thought this would be better.

"Sooo Dylan, are you gonna try to meet some guys tomorrow?" I playfully shoved his shoulder.

"I dont know... If I do, then only for a ONS. I don't think I could handle a distance relationship, you know?" I nodded. I totaly understood him. Up to this day I had no idea where Thomas and I were standing. That was why I never looked for other partners. But that distance thing didn't exactly make it easier.

"Don't worry. You'll find the right one eventually. I mean, you're only 22 years old. Take your time." He nodded and hugged me. Then he let out a soft yawn. I smiled.

"Come on. W eshould sleep. Tomorrow will be a big day for both of us." He nodded and immediately fell asleep in my arms. Well... I guess we would share a bed after all.

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