Yellow Brick Road

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Song: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John


I'm going back. The Ministry of Health has ordered all children to be moved to the country to escape the raids. My Uncle Digory already lives in the country so I'm just going to his house. I haven't been there in years. I was there for maybe two months before being sent to Finchley. Then I was there about four years ago for a summer. I wonder if Mrs. Macready still works there, the old bat.

I was sent a day earlier than everyone because my Uncle wanted me there early for some reason.

The train ride there was long, maybe three or so hours. I am happy to be going back. I won't have to shop for and cook my own meals anymore, don't have to go to school for some time. I'm used to being on my own so really It's just going to be a relaxing time for me.

When I arrive at Coombe Halt station, a pitiful establishment that only exists for three estates, Mrs. Macready is already waiting for me.

"June," she greets with a hard tone.

"Mrs. Macready," I greet back, trying to sound polite.

"Right then, come along," she orders me, leading the way to a horse-drawn carriage. "Your Uncle has requested to see you as soon as you arrive."

"Of course," I reply, obediently jumping into the carriage.

Mrs. Macready climbs into the driver's seat and snaps the reins. I notice the horse pulling us is the white one named Oakley. Knowing Mrs. Macready, she'll probably have me working in the stables again so I'm out of the way.

The ride takes about 45 minutes. She brings us to the front door where Margaret is waiting to take Oakley.

"Good to see you again, Miss June," Margaret greets me.

"Lovely to see you, Margaret," I smile. She was my caretaker my first year in Finchley. Before that, she also taught me to horse ride while I was here. I missed her.

Margaret takes Oakley to the stables and Mrs. Macready leads me into the house.

"Now, I assume you remember the rules," she says giving me a side-eye.

I nod. "Yes, Mrs. Macready. No shouting, no running, no improper use of the dumbwaiter and no touching the historical artifacts," I recite.

Mrs. Macready actually smiles. "Very good. I'll take your bags to your room and you can go see your Uncle."

"Thank you, Ma'am." I give her a nod as she takes my two bags up to my room. Once she's gone I head to my Uncle's office.

I knock on the heavy wooden door, the sound echoing gently throughout the house. I hear a quiet 'come in' so I open the door as quietly as I can.

When I enter, my Uncle looks up at me. "Ah, June," he smiles. "Welcome back, my dear."

I smile as well. "Hello, Uncle Digory. It's good to be back." My Uncle was a kind man, always treated me well, he was just busy. He never meant to neglect me as much as he did all those years ago. During the times I was here, my Uncle tried to spend as much of his free time with me as he could. He taught me things from his studies and even told me stories of when he was young. He was a good Uncle, a good man, just incredibly busy.

"I'm glad you're safe," he says gesturing for me to sit at his desk. When I do he starts talking; straight to the point, as always. "Now, you know that you're here because of the raids," he starts. "I have also been assigned another group of children for this cause." My eyes widen at the sentence. I didn't think he'd want more than one kid here. "As such, I would like you to show them around and get them accustomed to living here. Do you think you can do that?"

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