Little Lion

426 7 16

Song: Little Lion Man by Mumford And Sons


I watch Susan, Peter and Edmund play cricket as I sit against a tree trunk with Lucy. It took a little while but I was able to calm her down and cheer her up. I told her I believed her, which worked wonders, and I also threw some lighthearted insults at Edmund. She told me all about Mr. Tumnus as well. I got a little concerned when she said she tried to kidnap her but she said he was forced to and went against his orders so I think I could forgive him for that. Plus, Lucy said he was feeding her well. So now we sit beneath the tree and quietly whisper sassy comments to each other about the others while they play cricket.

"Peter winds up!" Peter speaks in the third person as if he's a commentator. "Poised to take yet another wicket!" He throws the ball at an inattentive Edmund. The ball hits the boy right in the leg.


"Whoops," Peter says sarcastically. "Wake up, Dolly Daydream." I smile at Peter having fun. It's nice to see everyone relaxing for a bit. It's been a little while since we could all just kick back and enjoy ourselves.

"Why can't we play hide and seek again?" Edmund asks. What the hell? I mean, if he wants to play then sure but outside would be preferable. Maybe camouflage? Homefree?

"I thought you said it was a kids game," Peter reminds him. Damn, Peter is on a roll today.

"Besides," Susan adds. "We could all use the fresh air."

"It's not there isn't air inside," Edmund grumbles.

I decide to put in my two cents. "Are you sure you aren't just scared Peter will steal your wicket?" I ask with a smirk. The other three Pevensies laugh at my teasing and Edmund scowls.

"Shut up, June," he says though there's no real malice behind it, just annoyance.

Peter prepares to bowl gain. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" Edmund throws back at his brother.

Peter bowls it and Edmund successfully hits the ball as hard as he can. Unfortunately, his hit sent the ball crashing through a window. Another crash is heard inside and I just gape. Never have I ever seen anything in this house be broken.

We are so dead.

We all sprint into the house to see the damage. When we get there, we see the window with a hole and a suit of armour disassembled on the ground.

I repeat: we are so dead.

"Well done, Ed," Peter chastises.

"You bowled it!" Edmund fires back.

"What on Earth is going on up there?!" Mrs. Macready's voice travels up to us.

"Oh shit," I curse. "Run." I grab Lucy's hand and lead the charge out of the room and as far from Macready as we can.

We run through the house but when I think we've gotten somewhere safe, I hear footsteps and immediately turn us around. I make us run the opposite way and up the stairs. Susan runs ahead and tries the door but it's locked. That's strange, the doors are never locked.

Panicking, I drag the group back down the stairs and to the opposite wing. We hear footsteps again which turn us back around and down the lesser-used corridor.

How fast is this woman? Jesus Christ.

Peter tries the first door but again, it's locked. What the fuck is going on? Edmund runs the next door and it does open. Guess that's where we're going. When we enter, I realize it's the wardrobe room.

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