chapter 40 | jealousy

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My face redden as I averted my eyes from him. The fireflies erupted in my stomach as he started chuckling.

"Fuck off."

"Ma'am," Myla called out. "The show started."

"Alright." I got up from the sofa followed by Chase. "Who's the host?" I asked as I passed by Myla.

"You don't know?"

I turned around, "I wouldn't be asking if I did."

"Olivia Miller." She answered.

Chase bumped into me as he heard her name. She was Chase's ex-girlfriend. "Who?" He questioned.

"Olivia Miller," Myla repeated.

"Look after my cats, Myla. Make sure they are fed and looked after." I ordered and she nodded.

"This will be fun," I muttered, glancing at Chase. "For you, of course."

He rolled his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair. He was wearing a black suit with a white button-up and the few of them were open showing his tattooed body underneath. He had silver earrings and silver rings on his hands. I took his hand in mine, his rings clicking with mine as I whispered, "It can't be too bad, right?"

"Only one way to find out."

We headed towards where our entrance would be. The makeup stylist touched up my makeup as I saw a glimpse of the stage. A live audience was sitting as Olivia, the host, began introducing herself and starting the show.

She was wearing a white dress that had a deep cut in the middle and backless from the back. It hit just above her knees with white heels. Her hair was curled and she looked stunning, to say the least.

"She's hot." I blurt out.

"Yeah." Chase agreed.

I looked at him to see his eyes on me, "You should date her again."

"I will." I was taken aback by his response. I didn't like that he was even taking this as a possibility let alone actually dating her.

I didn't want him to notice that I was hurt by his response and continued with my facade, "I'll be your guy's matchmaker."

"That works, Firefly."

I tugged on his white-collar, pulling him closer to me. My makeup artist had left, leaving us behind alone. "If I hear this bullshit again, I will make sure you both don't have any working bones left in your body."

"Possessive much, no?"

"You are mine, understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am." He chuckled. "Only yours."

"Correct." I pecked his lips.

"Introducing the guests of the night, Chase Knight and Jasmin Martinez," Olivia announced. "Big round of applause for them everybody."

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