Pass or Fail

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The next day at school, rankings from the basic training exercise are listed on the chalk board and it was basically pass or fail. If you got back to the gym with all five flags in time, you passed! If not, then you failed.

Everyone but 6 students in class 1A passed the training exercise. Two of the six that failed didn't notice they had either lost a flag or didn't bring all five back to the gym. The other four 'fails' didn't make it back to the gym in time.

The students who passed cheer and the 6 who didn't sulk. You turn around in your chair to celebrate with Uraraka and exchange a high five with her. Aizawa and Present Mic analyze how each of you did in the training and how well you worked together. Since pro heroes have no idea who will show up in a crisis, this training exercise let you practice working with different quirks because everyone's flags were all over the place, so you would have to work with several different people.

That's pretty smart, you think. The teachers at this school are very clever.


At lunch that day, you sit with people in class you haven't really talked to before. You sit with the invisible girl- whose name is Higakure, the frog girl with green hair- who insists you call her Tsu, and Jiro- who you have kind of talked to in passing before. Shouji- the six-armed tentacle guy and Sero- whose quirk you learned is to shoot tape out of his elbows during the training practice, sit nearby. You actually got to know them a little better already because you worked with them to retrieve one of your first flags on the training exercise.

You are mostly talking about how things went on the training exercise, when Higakure brings up the English assignment Midnight assigned.

"So, how has everyone been doing on the projects lately?"

"Well," Tsu croaks, "I'm having a little trouble with it actually."

Sero stops talking with Shouji and tunes back into the main conversation. "Yeah," Sero shares a knowing glance with Tsu, "We kind of got stuck on this one part..." He explains what part they are having trouble with.

"Oh, well have you tried looking it up in textbook?" Higakure recommends.

"Yeah, there should be something about it in Chapter seven I think," Shouji contributes.

"Thanks guys," Sero says, "That really helps!"

"Now we can get back on track hopefully, ribbit," Tsu croaks.

Jiro leans forward against the table with her arms, "So how about you Higakure? How much progress on the project have you made?"

"It's going really well so far! I have a good chunk of it don't already."

You turn to Higakure, "You're working with Uraraka, right?"

"Yeah! She's really great," Higakure gushes, "We're meeting up in the dorm after school to work on it again!"

"That sounds great," Sero enthuses, "Hey, mind if Tsu and I join you?" He turns to Tsu, "If that's okay with you?"

Tsu nods her head, "I don't mind at all. That would be great actually!"

"So, what do you say?" Sero checks with Higakure.

"Yeah, that sounds great! I'm sure Uraraka will be all for it!" Higakure gets excited. "She's just siting over there so let me go check with her real quick!" Higakure hurries to another table close by and then scurries back a couple seconds later. "She's in! We can all meet up later in the dorms!"

"Uh, I can't today," says Shouji, "I already have other plans."

"Oh, okay," Higakure says, "How about you, Y/N?"

"Umm, I actually already finished my project," you shift nervously.

"Wow, already?" Sero sounds impressed.

"Luckyyy," Higakure says. "Well, you could still stop by if you want to anyway."

"Thanks," you say, "I appreciate the offer, but I have things I need to do when I get home today." Higakure looks a little put down about your response, so you offer, "I could give you my number though, and you could text me if you have any questions."

"Oh, that would be perfect!" Higakure perks back up again and you exchange numbers.

"Here, you can have my number too," Tsu says.

"Great!" you enthuse and change numbers with Tsu.


Midnight walks to the front of the room and asks how everyone is doing with their English projects. She receives mixed responses and answers a few questions before returning to the podium.

"If you're still confused," Midnight holds up the poster Bakugo and you made yesterday, "You can come up front to look at this wonderful example submitted by one of the groups already. Bakugo and Y/N did an exemplary job on their project!"

The class murmurs and everyone looks back to stare at you and Bakugo. You meet their impressed looks and surprised faces with a small nervous smile. When you look back at Bakugo, he's glaring annoyedly at everyone and when he notices your gaze, he crosses his arms menacingly.

You raise an eyebrow like "okayyy then" and turn to face forward again in your seat. You guess this means Bakugo already dropped off the project to Midnight's office this morning then.

You made sure to print out a fresh copy of your half of the project since the original was all dirty and torn from when Bakugo threw it on the ground. You chuckle to yourself thinking about that and smile. The whole incident was ludicrous.

The school day ends and when you get home, you finally receive your new UA provided train pass that you were still waiting for. The letter that arrived with the pass also informs you that the preparation for your dorm room is almost complete. You decide to start packing a little to prepare for your impending move into the campus dorms.

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