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The north field is a grassy area right next to the building on the far side of the school. There are a few tables and benches out there, but other than that there's really nothing there. It's never crowded and people never really go there. Students only go out there sometimes to study in peace.

You glance around you suspiciously and wonder who could have wrote it. You decide there's no way you are going to go. But by the end of the day, curiosity has gotten the better of you and at this point you want to see who they are and why they wrote the note.

You get there a couple minutes early when you arrive in the back field next to the north end of the school. You sit down at one of the tables about thirty feet from the school on a concrete slab of cement in the short grass.

You are starting to rethink coming out here in the few minutes you wait there, thinking you at least should have told someone. If something happens to you out here, no one will know what happened or where you are. You shake your head at your ludicrous thoughts. Your not helpless out here. You still have a powerful quirk to protect you.

Minutes go by and you sit with your legs away from the table, propping your elbows on the surface to lean back and watch the clouds pass. It has to be past 4:30, but no one has shown up yet.

You're about ready to call it quits and leave when the person who wrote the note is clearly going to be a no show, when a door in the side of the brick building opens.

The door the person steps through onto the field is the same entrance you used to get out here.

You can't really tell who it is yet from this distance because the sun is shining in your eyes. The figure moves slowly, taking their time getting closer, walking stiffly toward you. When the figure gets within ten feet of where you sit, you can tell it's a guy. And when he's stopped walking, standing over you less than two feet away, you can tell it's Bakugo.

Your spine stiffens and you feel your self sitting up straighter.

Bakugo jams his hands in his pockets before roughly clearing his throat. "You came."

"Well, I wanted to see who left the note," you respond tersely. "At first, I wasn't going to come."

Bakugo just stands there, glaring down at you, before finally stepping to the side of you and sitting.

He sinks down onto the bench at the table next to you. He sits a foot away and leans back against the table with his arms like you are. Bakugo stares up at the clouds for a long moment before turning his piercing red eyes on yours.

"So, why did you tell me to meet you here?" you ask insistently.

His brow furrows slightly and glares at you like it should be obvious. "To hangout," Bakugo huffs impatiently.

Your eyes widen. "This, is hanging out?" you say incredulously.

"Yes!" Bakugo scowls at you and snaps coldly.

You send him a withering glare and sit up straight to cross you arms, angling slightly toward him on the bench. "Then why did you leave me such a creepy note? You didn't even sign it."

"IT WASN'T CREEPY!" Bakugo retaliates harshly. "I thought you knew it was from me."

"Bakugo, how the heck was I supposed to know it was from you? It looked nothing like your hand writing."

Bakugo turns more toward you and frowns.
"Katsuki," he says abruptly.

"What?" you stare at him in confusion.

His gaze darts away for a moment before latching back on to yours. "Call me Katsuki."

Okay, now you are really confused. "Why?" The last time you said Bakugo's first name, he completely lost it and told you to never call him that.

Bakugo's face contorts into one of anger and frustration. "Because I told you to, dammit!" he bursts out.

You flinch in shock at the sudden outburst and immediately become wary. "Okay, why did you tell me to come out here really? Because I already told you, I'm not going to fight-"

"Shut up." Bakugo cuts you off. "I already told you why I got you to come the hell out here."

You purse your lips unhappily. "I told you not to talk to me like that, Bakugo."

"Katsuki," he growls, "I told you to call me Katsuki."
Bakugo leans forward in emphasis and you impulsively take a scoot back. What is his problem?
This was never a good idea. You should have left when you saw it was him.

"I think I'm going to go." You are about to rise when Bakugo stands up suddenly.

He glares at you with an underlying look you can't decipher and rambles gruffly, "This isn't how it was supposed to go. Just forget about this." Bakugo spins on his heel after one last look your way and storms back inside the building.

You let out a long breath after Bakugo is gone. What was that? You have no idea what to make of the whole disaster. What a weirdo. And he's still being a jerk. Whatever.

You get up, stretch, and walk yourself back inside the school and head for the dorms.

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