part // 13

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jack and i have been hanging out but when i try to talk to sammy he ignores me. both of them actually.

jack asked me on a date and surprisingly i agreed. im not sure where were going but the weird thing is .... im kind of excited? i know hes changed from the guy he tried to act as when i first met him.
i like who he is now. his true self.

its been 2 weeks since i think i slept with jack but he doesnt know it.

i wont dare to tell him. then hes going to not only think so less of me but im not sure who he'd tell or what he'd do.

i sigh walking out of the school, as school just ended and i rushed out before anyone could.

i walk down the street and sit on the pavement.
i take out my phone and scroll through instagram as the familiar black range rover pulls up.
i walk around the side and open the car door.

"hey jack" i say closing the door.
i hear a scoff
i turn in my seat to see sam.

"oh sam. um sorry i thought you were-"

"jack. yeah i fucking got that" he replys.

"why do you hate me now sammy? i really liked you, you know." i say frowning.

"yeah i liked you too before i realized your just like every other girl. throughing yourself at jack."

"im not fucking throughing myself at jack! he was the one after me if anything!" i yell at him.

"yeah well i guess your the female version of jack then huh? whore. i know you slept with him at the party. i saw you leave in the morning and him leave at night. out the same room." he says and i gasp .

as i prepare to respond sam cuts in.

"your rides here." he scoffs and i just sigh getting out.

i see jacks car parked off the side as sammy races away, leaving the tire marks on the street as he does so.

i make sure its jacks car as i enter it.

"hi jack" my voice comes out weak.

"hey, hey, hey. are you okay?" he asks even though i see the anger in his eyes as he saw me get out of sammys car.

"yeah. its nothing." i say.

"you know you can tell me anything, rose." he states and i nod.

"yeah but not this" i mumble.

"what?" he asks.

"forget it" i brush it off.

he sighs giving up and turns on his ignition driving me home.

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