part // 19

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"i need a phone!" i scream at the nurse and she stumbles.

she sticks her hands in her pockets pulling out my phone and hands it to me.

i diall jacks number, tears falling down my cheeks.
i call about 10 times, all that he didnt pick up.

i decide to leave a voicemail.

"jack" i weakly let out.

"i need you right now. and i know what you think. you think the baby i was pregnant with was sammys. it wasnt. just let me explain. please jack." i sob into the phone before it says voicemail space is full.

then the nurse comes back in.

"theres someone here for you." she sighs and moves as i see johnson walk.

he walks up to my hospital bed and shakes his head.

"im really sorry this happened to you. i am. but i cant find myself to get over you broke my best friends heart. how could you do something like that? you knew how much jack hated sam and you knew how much jack liked you. why is all i ask?" he says shutting his eyes.

"it wasnt sams" i weakly get out.

"what?" he opens his eyes wide asking.

"im sorry i wish i could tell you whos it truly is but its only right that jack knows first. hes going to be mad either way. but he needs to know." i say as tears continue streaming down my face.

"rose.... whos baby was it?" he continues questioning.

"it was jacks for gods sakes!" i scream covering my face and sobbing into my hands.

"no! it wasnt!" i hear a voice say making me remove my hands from my face, even as the tears continue coming out.

i look up and see jack himself.

"ill leave you guys to talk..." johnson says leaving the room.

"why are you lying? we never kissed. much less had sex. just fucking own up to it! you slept with sam!" jack yelled a tear slipping his eye.

"i cant own up to something that never happened." i sob wiping each that falls away only for another to replace it.

"liar!" he screams standing up heading towards the door.


he turns around and walks back wiping the tears in his red, swolen eyes.

"you know i changed for you rose. i thought you actually cared for me as much as i cared for you. for gods sakes i was fucking falling in love with you" he says weakly.

hearing those words mended my heart but the word "was" only broke it again.
"was" i point out.

"what do you expect rose? you slept with the person i hated most and you knew i had feelings for you! and you were pregnant with his baby and didnt tell me as i took you on dates and held you hair back as you threw up! he didnt! i did rose! i did!" he said as more tears came out his eyes but he quickly wiped them.

"Jack it really was your baby! even sam knows it!"

"WE NEVER DID IT ROSE! I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU BUT WHATEVER STORY YOU THINK HAPPENED IN YOUR HEAD ISNT TRUE!" he scram standing up and as he opened the door to walk out i said

"remember the party" i sobbed

he stopped dead in his tracks.

"i woke up naked that morning. by myself upstairs" i sobbed even more.
he began turning around slightly.

"you- you said they dared us to go upstairs. sam says he saw you leave at night and me in the morning. out the same room." i sobbed so hard i couldnt breathe.

"i didnt want to tell you because i thought you would think of me as a slut like all the other girls. but i really didnt remember. i had no control of what i was doing that night."
he was now walking back to my side.
"it was your baby jack" i sobbed and he sat in the chair beside my bed, taking my hand in his.

"im so sorry" he said as we both cried for everything we lost today.
"so your pregnant with my baby" he smiled slightly.
"what? no, jack. didnt the nurse tell you?" i asked. i know this is only going to be harder on him.
"yeah she asked if were going to keep it. i would ask to talk about it, but i want to keep in rose. ill help you with everything and we can think of names together, and ill take you to check the gender and all the appointments and-" i cut him off because i couldnt stop crying hearing his excitment.
"jack the baby died in the accident." i said softly.
he sniffed as he said "w-we lost our baby"
i wiped my tears and responded; "yeah jack, we did." wiped the remaining tears off my face trying not to cry anymore. i've cried way too much today.

"rose" jack says looking up at me.

"y-yeah" i reply.

"i love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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